Chapter 2

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I was inspired by @DragonSoul94

@DragonSoul94 was inspired by him for diancie battlw

"There you are, guys." Charles nodded to Lance and his Johto Elites, who closed the door behind him. The meeting room was filled with all the other regional Elites and Champions, and Alder was in the meeting room, as he is the Champion again. "Now, before you go to Luonto City, I might as well tell you about the PAL Elite members, as you won't be seeing them until the opening ceremonies. I've just been sent the information by Phlox."

The Johto Elite nodded, as they sat down at the remaining seats.

"Now, I want you to throw away all you know about each other, because these Elites are different from a typical Elite Four member. They are all at least Champion-level. Nobody, and I mean no one, even got past the first member."

"Are they that powerful?" Sidney questioned.

"You know the person who won the Champions Tournament earlier against Iris, Cynthia and Steven? She's one of the weaker members." Charles said.

"You're kidding!" Cynthia shouted.

"No I am not. The rank list given to me says so, and Phlox never lies. You can imagine what power the stronger members will hold, especially the Champion." Charles answered, as the others shuddered at the implication.

"Are they users of Mega Evolution?" Diantha asked.

"Yes. According to Phlox, they are able to Mega Evolve more than once and more than one Pokémon in a single battle."

"Is that even possible?" Glacia was surprised.

"These people are also famous in other aspects, so you might know them, but of course, what you didn't know is that they are members of the PAL Elite." Charles crossed over, and turned on the screen, and a video of a boy in a quiz competition appeared, where he answered questions of various topics promptly, and taking away his opponent's time.

"Jude Harrison, right?" Lorelei recognized the boy.

"Yes, he's 25 years old, making him the oldest of the group." Charles explained.

"You're kidding." Aaron said.

"No I am not, he's a very famous actor and he does his own stunts unlike most other actors, winning many awards. He is also supermodel as well, a variety show host, and is also a famous Net Idol, having his own blog." The video changed to Jude telling one of the guests (an actress) in the show not to worry, as she had answered the question correctly, and the girl stood back to the trap door, only for it to open, and she fell into the sea of sponges. Jude chuckled, as he said, "I lied. You were wrong."

"He is also an S-Class Pokémon Connoisseur, which means he has his own shop in PAL. Needless to say, that shop has lots of business." Charles finished. "He is known as the Entertaining Socialite and the Merman by fans, which means he had two nicknames. Specializes in Water and Dark type Pokémon."

"Should've known he is a Water Master when we heard the Merman." Drasna said.

"His rank is fourth, and technically third." Charles said.

"Why did the PAL Elite swap Rosaline and Jude's ranks the other way round?" Lucian asked.

"Phillip Robinson, 23 years old. He is a genius inventor, and very good at making and playing games as well. He is also a game show contestant, always winning lots of money participating in them, and knows how to answer questions quickly without using any cheats. Winner of the Grand Slam three years ago, where he had competed against other game show winners as well. Very good strategist in battle, specializes in Electric and Steel Pokémon, and real tech-savvy." Charles said. "Nicknamed Genius Boy by many."

Pokémon PAL Champion DARK VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now