Chapter 12

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"Oh, I almost forgot." Jude produced a pitcher of iced cocoa (mixed with a little champagne) Pakura had made, and poured everyone a glass. "Since some of us can't drink, we might as well mix it with a lot of iced cocoa to be fair. Let's toast Pakura to her bravery of never giving up on his dream!"

When Jude finished pouring, Cynthia raised her glass. "To Pakura."

Everyone raised their glass and toasted her. Pakura kept it together well, but anyone could tell she was touched by the gesture. Pakura looked at Jude, and nodded his thanks.

"I really don't have a story to share, considering I am the only one with a normal background." Akeno smiled sheepishly.

. Before anyone can reply, Phillip said, "I'll go next."

Phillip kept his story quick, about how he was bullied and neglected by his parents in favour of his complacent brother, who was a social butterfly back in Mauville City, much to Wattson's surprise as he did not know that Phillip was originally from his city. He also told them about them coming to the region to talk to him, only to be rebuffed and it took them nearly dying while trying to protect him from Hunter J for him to forgive them.

"To Phillip's family." This time, it was Ash leading the toast. Everyone raised their glasses again and they drank to the bravery of Phillip's family.

Jude went next, and told them the reason why he distrusted the opposite gender, a trait which most of them noticed over the time they had stayed in the region. It was a chilling story to those who have heard it for the first time. Having your ex-girlfriend who only wanted you for your money and your position is bad enough, but being used and then thrown under the bus is another.

Jude didn't even bother to omit the fact that he accidentally killed the police that she sicced on him. He also told them about how the Dragon Duo came along and took him in and helped get his life back on track.

"And to you, Jude, for never giving up even when times were bad." Ash raised his glass, and everyone drank.

"Your turn, Ash." Jude grinned. "You share your story."

"It's a long story, though." Ash said frowned.

"You don't have to share if you're not ready." Pakura assured him, but Ash said, "No, they need to know so they can teach the future generation."

"Well said!" Tate and Liza said in unison.

"Let's see....I guess I can start by saying I was originally from Pallet Town." Ash muttered as everybody nodded while some cringed.

Ash then told them about being betrayed by the whole word and before eventually given away to Team Rocket to become a weapon, experimented on and harshly trained. Many were kind of stunned at the knowledge, and some looked like they were about to cry. Some of them were shooting Lance, Steven, Alder, Cynthia, and Wallace looks, as if to ask why they didn't know about it.

It was a really a bitter story, until Shiki and Amethyst came along and rescued Ash who finally had not one but two people and raised him to be a better person but Aaron still thought it was foolish

"So those two are the main reason your still alive bastard. Why didn't you just die in that shithole Team Rocket?" Aaron interrupted the story, and it was followed by the loudest silence anyone has ever heard, as everyone looked at Aaron in shock. Ash dropped the jug of juice he was holding, and the jug shattered into pieces on the ground. The juice splattered on the ground, and stained the carpeted floor. His hand in a fist as he turned away

"Excuse me for a moment." Ash replied icily, before leaving the room. Pakura could see the tears in his eyes. That did it to make her snap

"That it!!!No one will ever hurt him physically or emotionally while I live!!!" Pakura yelled surprising everyone as she went over to Aaron and slapped him hard and kicked him in the stomach and ran to find Ash. Everyone heard a , "Fuck you Aaron!"

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