Chapter 5

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Ash brought his recently new Egg to the rooftop, thinking the Egg might like some fresh air of its own. At night, the view of the city is spectacular, as the building lights twinkled like a vast amount of Volbeat and Illumise. With the bright lights, one could see to the garden below. Ash noticed a silhouette, black against the lights that shone endlessly in their region. The person seemed to sense Ash, and she turned, and beckoned him to come closer.

"You really should be getting some rest." Pakura said, as they watched some couples taking a walk, and probably whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears.

"I figured I take my Egg out for some fresh air. The night air's sweet, isn't it?" Ash replied.

Pakura nodded. "It's also a good place to reflect on things."

"Yeah." Ash agreed, and fell silent.

After a long silence, Pakura broke it. "Thinking about what?"

Ash shook his head. "More like how all of us have one thing in common. We have something dark happen to us that allowed us to become experienced killers without even thinking...except Rosaline, of course. Why did you let her in anyway? Even now in that she dead I still am curious."

'Of course, I didn't actually tell him what happened when Rosaline applied due to him being gone.' Pakura thought. 'Knowing his current personality, he'd flip if he finds out just what happened.'

"I'm not doubting your choice, Paku that she can be replaced later on." Ash said. "But Rosaline....she only kills when she was forced to. I have looked over the missions that she had completed, and she only kills when William specifically said kill. Other than that, even if they escaped, she try to chase and capture them alive. That is a warning sign that my brother mention"

"What?" Pakura was somewhat shocked and livid.

"I read her case files." Ash answered. "I sometimes get bored and read old stuff you know, for amusement."

'You really took after Shiki for that one.' Pakura thought.

"I think Rosaline thinks you're mad at her because she joined the Elite." Ash remarked.

"I'm not mad at her. I always hated her with a passion like you, why do you think I helped you set up Rosaline downfall/" Pakura sighed in exasperation.

"So why even let her in?" Ash asked.

"It's complicated to explain. The thing is, is that it should be one of the members of the Dragon Duo. At least they are much more competent in the Psychic part than Rosaline, and they are not born with Psychic powers. Not only that, their Dragon Mastery is undefeated, and they even had this region under their leadership, but they went missing." Pakura explained. "Then again, they fight as a duo, so maybe they would both be in the Elite Four, making it an Elite Five or something, but when they reach the Dragon Duo, it'd be a Double Battle remember you were once dragon duo"

"I agree,." Pakura replied, just as Ash's Egg glowed, signalling it was going to hatch.

"Hey, my Egg's going to hatch soon!" Ash looked at the grey Egg, somewhat excited. "I wonder what it is going to hatch into." Then, he stifled a yawn under his hand.

"Go to bed." said an undeceived Pakura as she kissed him. "Maybe it'll hatch tomorrow or something and i will be coming late."

"Well, see you tomorrow." Ash replied, as he left the rooftop.

Ash burrowed down under his covers, not even bothering to change into his nightclothes, and drifted off into dreamland.

Ash found himself in a place he recognized as the Dragon Shrine. Looking around, it looked like he was alone. There were ten adults who were performing some ritual involving something in a treasure chest, when a voice, seemingly outside, said, "Latias, Dragon Pulse." The door burst open, revealing a silhouette, who entered the Dragon Shrine, a Latias following him. Ash noted that it was Him with his Latias was wearing a Mega Stone.

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