Chapter 9

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Ash sweat-dropped as he heard Beartic's story

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Ash sweat-dropped as he heard Beartic's story. He was training Beartic with his Glalie, and to make it more difficult, he used his Glaceon to Help Beartic Attack, Special Attack, and Speed, as Beartic liked a challenge. Apparently, his owner had him as a Cubchoo, and liked his cute form and wished for him to stay that way, but he wanted to be stronger, and evolved so that he would have chances against more powerful opponents, which caused his owner to be unhappy with him.

'The owner should've given him an Everstone if that's the case, or listen to what he wanted.' Ash thought, as he commanded Glaceon to finish the battle off with Sheer Cold, and it hit Beartic, sending it flying towards a tree, and sliding it to the ground. The Mega Evolution wore off from Glaceon.

"Beartic!" Ash ran over to his Pokémon. "You alright?"

"I'm fine." Beartic replied. "Wow, Ash, this was a fun battle, you trained your Pokémon to be this powerful. I wish I'd be as strong as your Ice Pokémon someday."

"Don't worry, you will." Ash assured him, and offered him a Sitrus Berry to recover his health, which Beartic ate gratefully. He looked down at his notes at the goals of each Pokémon. "Alright, it looks like Blaziken is next. Blaziken, could you come for a minute?"

The Shiny Blaziken looked up from playing with Ash's Fire-types, and walked over. He was one of the few that did not have any problem with their owner, just that the owner always wanted a Beedrill, and when it was said the Beedrill once belonged to the PAL Champion, it made the deal so much sweeter.

"So, I heard you want to learn Flare Blitz?"

Blaziken nodded.

"Alright, who do you want to teach you Flare Blitz?"

He looked around, before saying, "Infernape."

Ash nodded. "Alright....Infernape!" He called out to his Flame Pokémon.

The said Pokémon came over. "Yes, Ash? What do you need of me?"

"This guy here wants to learn Flare Blitz. Could you teach him?" Ash requested.

"Of course!" Infernape nodded.

"Oh and before you start." Ash fed Blaziken a spicy Poképuff specifically for Fire-types, which Blaziken enjoyed very much. "Don't give up, Blaziken. I know you can learn this move." Ash looked at the Poképuff supply, and noted that it is running low, and made a mental note to get Pakura to make some more. Blaziken smiled, and nodded, as he went off with Infernape to train.

"You're always getting Pokémon who already know the moves to train those who don't know. Pretty good idea, Ash." Espeon complemented, as Lucario nodded.

"Well, yeah. I figured it's better to have fellow Pokémon peers to help instead of me, and besides, it increases the bond between my Pokémon better. I can't afford them to have a feud now, can I?" Ash replied, as Mew, who was flying around to play with Pokémon, landed on his head, tickling him with its tail.

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