Chapter 7

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A/N I edit chapter 1 and changed the scene where Ash was rescued by Amethyst and Shiki and Also Ash has accidental magic and could do magic ALSO LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASEEE

Jude was in the room cleaning with Phillip when one stared at the photo of him 20 years old Jude a younger 17 year old Ash and 19 years old Philip all smiling in a photo after Ash forgave them after a certain event

"Remember he fought us before we took that photo after the event." Jude asked him as Philip nodded as he remembered

"Yeah I remember, he gave us a good beating that we were in the hospital for two weeks." Philip said as he shudder at the thought of his broken back

"You remember how we almost lost him and found out the whole truth." Jude asked him as Philip nodded as he remembered

"How could I not forgot. We almost lost Ash and find out he was hurt by the world was sicking." Philip said as both began to remember

Flashback to the time where Ash attack the PAL Elites before Ash and Pakura kissed

Well, well, look what we have here." A boy's voice said. Pakura turned, as the voice sounded familiar from her dreams, and saw a boy was wearing a white shirt and a semi-casual black blazer, complete with black pants and tan boots. He had messy black hair and purple eyes and Pakura immediately recognized him. It was Shiki, the Dragon King.

"You!" Pakura exclaimed.

"Me." Shiki said calmly. "Hey, Espeon." He petted Ash Espeon, who recognized him and bounded to him, nuzzling his head against his hand.

"Where are we Shiki?" Jude asked

"Yeah what is this place and what are you doing here." Pakura asked.

"You're in Ash's mind. That answers your first question. As for the second statement, I'll explain how I'm here talking to you later. For now, you want to know how the mysteries about Ash past?" Shiki raised his brow, as everyone nodded.

"I will tell you, but I am warning you, there would be a price to be paid, as it's a close-guarded secret I'm about to reveal." Shiki went on. "Are you all willing to pay the price?"

"What's the price?" Phillip frowned.

"I'm not allowed to tell you. I'll only tell you once everything is revealed. So, yes or no?" Shiki smirked. The trio looked at each other, before finally nodding.

Shiki smiled. "Excellent. Let it begin I will only show how he started suffered since you guys found out most of it"

A slightly younger Ash, was making his way to the dining hall along with two grunts that is to make sure he doesn't try to escape when not confined to his cell. His body and face was full of bruises, scars, scabs and burns thank to their training. Ash had the impression of a battle worn child when they saw him. The expression on his face was more forbidding, apparently trained not to show emotions, as weapons are not supposed to show emotions.

Ash slid his tray along the metal shelf before the vats of food, and breakfast was placed on his tray.

People see him, and whisper among themselves, wondering why he would be out here instead of at his place in the cell, where he should be. There were also the comments on how weapons should be stored and locked up all the time and only let out to be used. It was clear they thought he never needed to eat or drink as they did not see him as a human being.

To an extent, maybe that was true, as he was only fed once a month. He survived by drinking water, which was all he needed by that time, as if he ate any more, it might get back up again.

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