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"Y/N!" You saw Lisa runnin up to you from the other end of the hallway.

Her smile is wide like she just won a lottery or something.

"What?" You asked as she stood in front of you.

"Here." She handed you a flyer.

"You love to (hobby, or any sport you like) right? It's your chance to show them what you've got. I know you are good at it as I saw you do great at it many times." She said more excited than you.

Her eyes twinkle clearly saying this is my chance.

But all of a sudden, something hit you, your shoulders slug and you're suddenly feeling sad.

I am never good at this, I just know how to do it, but never good. There are many people who are way more better than me.

You handed her back the flyer and gave her a sad smile.

"I wanna focus on something I am doing better now Liz." Saying as there is no other excuse.

She pouts and nodded. Then her face light up. "But I have another news."

"What is it?" You look at her interested at how her excitement is back.

"I'm going on audition this 3 pm. A dance audition!"

You smile feeling glad for her. "Wow, I wanna see you do the auditions."

"Oh yes please. I need a support."

"Of course, I'll support you whatever you want." You pat her back. "Let's get to the room."

I hope I can be like her, honestly I envy her.

Geez, Y/N! The opportunity is there, you should never let it go!

You took a deep breath.

"Anyways, where's Jisoo?"

She rolled her eyes. "She slept late last night so she'd be here at lunch. Must be playing her favorite video game again. You know her addiction to games."

You nodded in understanding.

"Honestly I kept telling her to tone down her addiction to games. But it's already too late, she's addicted to it ever since."

"Right." You agreed.

The both of you go to your class.


Until the lunch arrived. Jisoo didn't come as what you both expected.

Both you and Lisa sat down the empty table.

Lisa picked up her phone and dialed Jisoo's phone number. You look at her while eating your lunch, expecting a word from Jisoo too.

Lisa shake her head. "Why she's not answering."

You look down your food and tried to focus on eating.

Lisa is getting worried as she kept on looking at her phone, her food untouched.

You held her wrist and said, "Eat first, and we'll call her later."

She put down her phone and nodded. A sigh escaped her mouth as she pick up her chopstick.

"Is something going on between the both of you?"

She press her lips in a thin line. "Nothing, but, her addiction to playing video games is getting out of hand. It is fine for me if she plays video games, I won't stop her on something she loved but, now, she focused too much on games that she leave behind her studies. And...when I get to call her she always says she's busy, she had to finish something in her game." She let out a deep sigh. "I felt like, she doesn't remember me anymore."

You pat her hand that rested on the table and said, "She would never forget about you, I'm very sure about that."

She smile, but it never reached her eyes. You remove your hand on top of her, accidentally your elbow hit her tumbler and fall off the floor, the water spilling all over the floor.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" You quickly stood up and pick up the tumbler, getting nervous as you inspect if it get broken. Luckily it didn't, the water just spilled. The cap was off the tumbler and you looked around, you saw it under another table.

You look up from underneath the table and met with a familiar eyes of Jimin, with that incident at the rooftop you were feeling quite comfortable with him. He pick up the cap and you run up to him to get it.

"Thanks." You said after he handed you the cap.

"Be careful next time." He said, smiling at you.

You bow and run back your table.

Lisa was shaking her head as she look at you.

"Clumsy as always." She shake her head and smiled at you playfully.

"I bet this is expensive." You said as you handed her tumbler back.

"It really is, just think if it got broken, you gotta pay double the price."

You smirked, flashbacks from before came in your mind. "And you gonna pay the glass you broked when you were at my home once, hm, triple the price, I think?" You put a finger under your chin and challenged her.

"Just kidding. Let's eat."

You glared at her, then look down your empty tray.

She chuckled. "I'll be silent and eat now."

"You better. You need to have energy for your dance audition."

She chewed on her food slowly and swallowed. "I don't felt like going anymore, knowing Jisoo is not there to see me. She told me the other day she wanted to see me do it."

"She'd be more happy if you give her the news that you got it, right?"

A smile crept up her face, one that is real. "I can do this."

"Of course."

She moved closer to you, wanted to whisper something.

"Jimin is one of the judges, I'm scared."

You turn to glance at Jimin, he caught your eyes and he wave a hello at you.

"Don't be, you'd do really great."

She pouted, did a fucking aegyo and said, "Yah, stop fluttering me."

You rolled your eyes. "Stop acting cute, when you aren't."

She clicked her tongue. "Aish, just shut up and let me eat."

You narrowed your eyes at her.

"Shut up, I'm eating."

You just shake your head.

You waited for her to finish eating.

While you waited your mind drifted to Jisoo.

Why is she drowning herself in video games? Does she have a problem?

You swallowed a lump in yout throat and asked Lisa.

"Does she had a problem? Family? School? Well, we're classmates but her grades aren't that bad."

She stopped eating. "I don't know, her family, when go to them one time, they're so nice of me. She didn't even said anything about family problems."

"When you're there, do you feel something weird?"

She shrug. "Nothing. Everything looks fine."

You nodded.

That's why you never believe in what you see. You gotta feel it.


omg, i updated!

anyways, thanks to somebody who's reading this
one day you can be someone...

dont die.

this will be finish like 10 chapters only...

so dont worry f u feel bored, this will be over...



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