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.........IM SICK AND TIRED!! So so so TIRED! Tired of chara, Tired of the death, the pain, the laughter, the crying, the offers, the fears... My poor brother.. so naive and sweet.. He doesn't even know or realize.. Neither does Undyne, Alphys, The woman behind the door, Mettaton, Muffet, Grillby.. They all just don't know it and can't remember or see it..... THE RESETS...
This all causes too much pain.. I must stop it now before it comes again, even if that means.. to kill the monsters I love and value.. SCREW THEM! AHAHAH!! THEY WONT FEEL MUCH PAIN AFTER I DEFEAT CHARA! PAIN WONT EXIST ANY MORE! ILL MOVE ON TO THE NEXT DISGUSTING AND DEFEATED THING... ahahahah... the universe...


I grumble in annoyance...
I shot up from my bed and realized Chara has reset again. I looked over at Papyrus and gave him this menacing and death looking glare to where he stepped back and smiled nervously. I snapped my fingers and went to find the lady at the door. I walked in the hard and soft snow.. remember how is was blood stained with particles of dust every where. My feet crunching beneath me as I approach the huge door, sheered with purple and green, fresh vines. I knocked once... then twice... and waited.. "Hello?" A soothing and sweet voice came from the other side. "C-can u let me?!! This is an emergency! Theirs a killer and he's killing people all in town!!" I yelled deeply to the other side. "Oh my?! Really? Ok ok! I'll let u in!" The lady said on the other side. The door opened slowly with creepy crunching and irritating noises coming from it. A tall, white, goat woman stood in front of me. With a long purple, one-suited dress. She stood worried. I let myself in giving her the same glare I gave Papyrus. "Please let me lead u inside! I'll make u a pie for later for ur troubles in town and losses of heart" she said sweetly and led me in to the top and only floor of her manor. She made me sit down and gave me options of books from her bookshelf. "I have to go some where... I'll be right back, be safe and don't go any where-..." she froze. "Never mind.." then she left out the door and down the alley of the purple and brick walls covered with leafs and flowers. I instantly got up and walked out looking for the toy knife Chara always has. I checked from the balconed view of the underground ruins... clear... soon to be dusty.. I looked to my left and saw IT... I picked it up and put it my pocket. I searched and pondered for other monsters to challenge me. Finally one came and offered a hand of defeat. Froggit...  he tried to hit me with flys swirling around but I dodged and quickly sliced him... killing him instantly from bones and many other attacks I'm learning. He gave me a shocked look and soon before I knew it.. he turned to dust....... this felt... GOOD... I wanted to kill as many monsters as I can before that brat beats me to it! I killed as many as I could before Chara could get by the spike trap with the goat lady... Toriel? I warped to them to see Chara falling and almost hitting the bottom. "Howdy" I heard from my right. I see a little yellow flower. I killed it instantly, not giving it a chance of mercy or an opportunity to fight back. I smirked and warped back to Toriels. I took out my phone and called hers. "Hello?" She asked on the other side. "Get over here now!" I demanded. "I cannot.. I'm a bit busy" she replied. "Theirs some one here that's a killer!" I shouted "what?" She sounds confused. "U want every one too die? Get over here now!!" I screamed. "Yes.." she finally agreed and hung up. I went and waited for her by the door. A long time later... she shows up worried and comes infront of me saying "look theirs no killer in here!" "We're safe"
"Trust me"
I relented
"Some ones here to murder u"
"And every one else"
She gasped
"Let's not get out of hand"
"How about.."
"We go upstairs"
"Read books..."
"And cinnamon butterscotch pie"
She said with a happy smile on her face. I closed my eyes.. took a deep breath and sliced her with the toy knife right across her stomach to her chest. Her face had shock. "You.."
"You were the threat.."
"Your the murderer"
"Your the one we should be worried about"
"Great shame will come apon u"
"But just to let u know.."
"Your jokes were the best....."
And with that her body turned to dust.. I dropped the toy knife.. stared at what I have done.. then raised my hoodie up and walked out the door going for more......

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