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Blues tears dripped onto Papryus's jacket as his hand quivers, still holding the bone to his skull. "N-now now bro, calm down. Put The Bone Down" papyrus shakingly said. Blue glared at papyrus as he did a jabbing motion to his skull. "Blue! Don't please!!-" I pleaded but then stopped when I saw papyrus grab Blues arm with the bone in it. Blue screamed and tugged as Papyrus tried to get the bone out of his hand. "GOD DAMMIT. JUST DROP IT BROTHER" With one final and strong tug, Blue pulled his arm away from Papyrus's desperate hands. With a blink of an eye... it happened in a flash... Blue pulled so hard away from Papryus's grip, he ended up stabbing through his eye socket and out the other end of his skull. "NOOOO!!!! " I yelled at his body became limp. And blood started to pour out from his eyes and the back of his head. For the first time in so long... I felt tears start to welm up in my sockets. A ringing then came into my ears(?) as my vision became blurry and my face felt hotter than I've ever felt it. A strong thud to the ground sent me limp in the grasp of papyrus. His figure got up quickly and shook around Blue, hearing faint sounds of crying and pleading. He dropped my soul and let me fall to the ground as he desperate tried to shake Blue awake. I silently sat there and cried as I stared upon the bloodied and dead body of my newly found love. Did... did I do this? Did.. did I kill him? A sudden pause in Papyrus's  pleasing came. He looked at me with such anger and hatred I have never seen before... except.. it reminded me of.. myself.. oh.. oh no.. I turned another AU... into MY life.. "YOU DID THIS!!"  Screamed Papyrus as he held his brother close. "S-s-sToP!" Yelled a familiar glitching voice. I turned with tears pouring out of my sockets to see Error. "Error..?" I said as I got up. Papyrus sat in shock as he saw this. "Y-yoU sEEmeD dIsTrAUghT S-s-so I ThOuGHt I-i-I wOulD cOmE to SeE tH-th-thIs ShOw IN peRSoN" Error said with a tight smirk. "Error!! Oh my Asgore!! listen, do you have ANY ability to bring back Blue.. PLEASE?!" I pleaded. "W-wHat?? E-E-Ew nO. EvEN So, W-wHy WoULd I?" He responded. "Because I love him!! I want him back, and his stupid brothers hatred got in the way... please..I will do any thing!"  "G-G-goSh YoU aRE So gRoSs WhEn yOu ARe In LoVE. FiNe.. As L-L-Long as YoU CaN-n-N GeT mE 100 SoULs In EXchAnge. I Ca-CanNOt G-gO BaCK in TiMe BUT I-I dO hAVe a "FrIEnd" ThAT CaN HeLP You BrINg YouR MaTE BacK To LiFE" Error said and sighed. "100 souls?! Okay okay deal!! Who is this friend of yours?" I responded while stepping closer. "H-HiS naME iS InK. ThE RaINboW A$$-$$-$$ WhOlE" Error said. "Ink.. hm.. okay okay. When are those souls due?!" I asked desperately. "N-No D-DUe dAte. I W-WilL taKE yoU To InK RiGhT N-noW buT AftERwaRDs, yOu NeeD-d-D to GeT Me thoSE SouLS" "Yes Yes of course!! Please hurry! I want him back! I love him!!" I pleaded. "G-gEEz" Error sighed with disgust. "Uh.. what the FUCK is happening!" Me and Error looked behind us as my tears stopped to see Papryus confused while Blues blood soaked into his jacket. "Papyrus.. were going to get Blue back."

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