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It was morning, with the ruins dripping with little leaks of water and leaves falling to the ground. I got up from the couch, I've been sleeping on for days, to see.. no blue.. What was wrong with him? Would he attack me if I came to see what was up? Maybe I should make him some breakfast. And so I did, I made some crooked and disgusting looking tacos and spaghetti. Papyrus was teaching me the whole time. I took both plates and walked down the cleaned but dusty hall way. I approached blues door and knocked on it. *knock knock knock* "Blue..? I uh.. made you some food?"... No answer. "Maybe he fled from some where in the room, or ran to jump off the cliff when you were busy being lazy!!" Papyrus whispered in my ear. "Or maybe.. you made him disgusted of you.. shoving your member into him with no problem" Papyrus said with hate in his eyes. I started to sweat. "Blue?! BLUE!?" I yelled, starting to panic. I decided to break the door down, so I did with a couple bones that were full of force, and that were able to knock it down. I ran into the very dark room and glanced around in a panic with the tacos in my hand still. I flicked on the light and immediately saw in the corner.. blue on the bed? I came closer to touch his shoulder. When I did so, his head shifted to me calmly. He looked so terribly tired and worn out. "Oh uh, I'm sorry, I'll build you a new door haha!" I joked. He whimpered for a second and then sat up with a groan. Then said "Okay" "Oh! I uh- brought you food!" I said. Handing his plate of food to him. He gasped and yelled with an obvious weak voice "TACOS!!" He grabbed the plate and shoved all six tacos down his throat in less than five minutes. When he finished, he looked at me and said "oh, im sorry! I've been so tired for these past 3-4 days that I've been sleeping in my room with my water bottle." I looked at him with worry and gently grabbed his shoulders and brought my face closer. A blue hew was now spreading across his face. I knew why he was in here and why he was upset. I wasn't going to kiss Blue, just was going to examine his eyes but as I was doing so, he kissed me! Luckily, before he closed his eyes, I could see he has star filled eyes... Haha.. Thats good.. The kiss was warm and I was tempted to keep going but he was still sore from my big dick entering him, hmph! Wow, I can't believe I just gloated in my own head. When we broke the kiss, I sat down next to him on the bed and we looked at each other. Then he spoke "you know.. I was never aloud to have sex.. and I was not into any one whom I knew, but I have to say, having sex, is the best thing ever. I'm sorry that I kinda scurried away, I sorta.. got guilty because my brother was worried that I was too young to have sex but I'm older than him. I think he's worried that I wouldn't take it or hurt some one while doing it or.. that I'm too naive.. but I'm really not" Blue said as a couple years fell out of his eye sockets. I came closer and hugged blue. "*sigh* I need to apologize.. I kidnapped you and had held you here for weeks..all because.. your so adorable and sweet. But uhm... I need to let you go.." I said as I got up and took his hand. "I'm letting you leave, cmon" Blue looked at me with such excitement but.. fear? "N-no" he said. "What?" I replied as he pulled his hand back. "I-I want to stay!" He yelled. The stars in his eyes got bigger as he shakily got up and rushed to my face, pulling me into a long lingering and wet kiss. "I've never felt this way, especially from some one who fucking kidnapped me" Blue said as his arms tied around my neck in a loving way. Wow, blue cussed. "You c-cussed" I stuttered. "I don't give a fuck" he said as we kissed again. "B-But you can leave when ever you want to!!!" I said as he snuggled his head into my chest. Is something wrong with him? Or did he loose his mind?? "Dust.." he said quietly. "Dust????" I replied. "That's your name, Dust" he said. "Y-yea" I relentlessly replied. "I want to see my brother.. and alphys.. and undyne.. and toriel.. but.. I don't want to leave" He said as quiet tears dripped down his cheeks. "I knew you were good still.. and I want to be with you.." I looked at him with utter surprise. "If I came back from out of these ruins and came to every one.. they wouldn't listen to me and would try to kill you, I promise!! I promise they will!! Because I know they will!" Blue blurted. "Oh Blue.. How about we at least try.." I said, holding his waist. "........Okay.." he said and then kissed me once again

Dust covered city (Blueberry x Dust)Where stories live. Discover now