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As I calmly and happily skipped around Hotland, killing every one in sight, I happened to spot Mettaton leading into his stage. Burger pants shut his food doors so I can't look or get to him. Little bastard. I casually walked into the elevator and up the railing to Mettatons stage. I walked into a dark room and saw him posing like mad, probably getting ready for Chara to come in. My feet made small creeking sounds as I walked up to him. "Sans..." the gay looking robot said standing infront of me but facing the opposite direction. "Your sick" he said. "Well you just wasted your last breath" I said as I casually killed him and gained more LOVE. Their was no one else to kill besides asgore. I snapped my fingers with Papyrus besides me and popped infront of Asgore. My feet crunched on the golden and soft yellow flowers beneath me. I gave a creepy grin and said "You Asshore" "WAIT PLEASE!!" Asgore pleaded before I stabbed a bone steak right into his soul. It shattered into pieces then his body just turned to dust. That's it... no more.. I guess I'm lonely now... Rapid footsteps came from the door behind me. I spun around to see Chara, all pissed and low on LOVE. "I only got to kill 3 monsters! I'm only a level 2!" She whined. "Oh shut it brat" I said with a huge smirk and nasty lookin eyes. Chara stepped back. "Evil Fartface!" She yelled. "Hey now that wasn't so niceeee" I said and patted Chara's shoulder. I brought her into a hug. And quick as a flash I stabbed her back and plunged it deeper and deeper till it hit her soul. Blood oozed from the front of my fingers and hand. I started to laugh as I put my bloody hand on my face. The warm and sticky blood dripped down on my shoes and jacket from how much I had held in my red, boney, hand. Then I stopped and I realized.... Theirs no more Monsters! I did every thing... and now it's complete. I sat down, defeated and tired from all this tasty murder. My black pants are now stained with a dark red, my jacket now has a splash of blood on it, and my face has a hand print of crimson dripping down. I sat their.. Frozen in the golden and soothing flowers. I stared at the green vines traveling along the walls and the thrown in the middle, perfectly placed and untouched. I saw a spot of dust in a small place of flowers that Asgore has finished watering. I decided to look up and see the ceiling of grey and green. Before I knew it, i saw black. I passed out! When I opened my eye sockets, I saw a darker Grey and hardly any green. My head shut up and noticed the back of my sweater sleeve was bright white and blue. I turned behind me to see a completely black Skeleton with blue streaks running down his face, a blue scarf and black/red jacket with patches of yellow. His slippers were black but his lower part of his leg was completely red. His shorts were black as well. Then I saw his eye sockets. Red on the outer and the pupils... oh my gosh the pupils.. one of a yellow small dot, the other had a black inner dot with a blue and yellow around it. He held up his fingers which were black to the palm but red to mid finger and the rest yellow. "YoU" he said calmly. "IvE WaTChed You" his glitchy voice piercing my ears. "YoU HaVE doNE WeLl" I stood in shock, just confused. "I'm GonnA GivE yoU ThE PoWEr To TeLEpoRt TO DiffeREnt Au's, An AU iS a DiffEREnt VerSiON and SinFul OR HelPfuLL OthEr VErsIons of YouR SeLF, YoU May HeLp Me KilL as MANy AU's as yoU WisH. HElP YouR SeLf to BlooD, DusT, TeaRS, ScrEAming, AnD OthER KinkS YoU EnjoY! HaVE Fun" He said in a complete manor of confusion directed at me. "So... your a glitchy black dude who has given me the power to teleport to different versions of myself and their Underground to murder every one?" I asked. He nodded maliciously. I had a sudden realization that this is fucking awesome. I looked at Papyrus who is lookin at flowers. "TAlk To YoU LateR PAL" "wait! What's your goddamn name asshole!" I yelled in clear frusteration. "ERrOR" He said. "YouR DusT" He said as this portal like THING disappeared with him in it. I was confused but I also felt proud and.. accomplished that I get to kill more!! I mean this happened in under 10 minutes but I don't care! I looked at my purple, boney and cracked hands with one covered in dry crimson. I raised my hand and.... *snap*

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