She Couldn't Possibly.... Know Right?

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She Couldn't Possibly Know.... Right?

Chapter 6

Lexie's POV

        I've been sitting by Mark's bed side for about an hour now.  I still feel guilty about all of this. I know Mark told me it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel like it is. I run my fingers through Mark's hair to relax him as well as myself. I'm about to do it some more when Dr. Webber walks in. "I'm sorry to ruin your alone time, but it's time for Mark to go into surgery now. We need to get inside of and get that internal bleeding under control as well as fix his abdomen and right leg." I nod. "May I watch the surgery in the gallery?" Dr. Webber seems hesitant, but nods. I thank him. Before Dr. Webber carts Mark away, I grab his hand and look him straight in the eye. "You're a fighter Mark Sloan. I love you and you'll get through this okay?" He whispers "As long as I have you by my side, I'll be able to get through anything." I kiss him and tell him that I'll see him after surgery. 

      15 minutes later.....

        I'm in the gallery watching Mark's surgery. Dr. Bailey is working on his abdomen, Dr. Richard is trying to stop his internal bleeding, and Callie is working on fixing his broken right leg. So far everything is going smoothly. The only down side is that based on the condition that Mark is in, his surgery is probably going to take awhile. I decide to take a nap since no one else is in the gallery. I lie down across a fair chairs and drift off to sleep.

4 hours later....

        I wake up to find two things. One of those things being that apparently my short nap turned into a 4 hour somber and the other thing is Dr. Bailey is standing in front of me. "I'm sorry to wake you Sleeping Beauty, but I have some updates on Mark's surgery that I thought you would like to hear. I look away sheepishly, but nod. I sit up and she plops herself down in a chair next to me. "There is good news and bad news. The good news we have stopped Mark's internal bleeding and Callie fixed his broken leg. The bad news is that Mark's abdomen is still swollen and it will be for awhile. Between the swollen abdomen and the broken leg, you're still looking at 3 months of recovery time for Mark." My eyes start to water up and the dark thoughts start running through my mind once again. You did this to him Lexie. Mark is pain because of the stupid bitch that is you. My eyes start to fill with tears, but I quickly wipe them away.

        Dr. Bailey pulls me in for a hug. "Lexie he's going to be pain, but it's only going to be for a little while. Before you know it, you two will be able to rome the Amazon again." I blush, clearing knowing that she's referring to Mark and I's rigorious sex that we often have in the on call room. "Dr. Bailey may I ask you a question?" She smiles. "Of course you can." "How much longer is Mark going to be surgery?" "Probably another hour or two. I'll update again as soon as we're done okay?" I nod and thank her. As soon as she leaves, I notice that my stomach is starting to hurt. I clutch it realizing that I haven't eaten anything in 3 days. I leave the gallery to go to the bathroom down the hall, but halfway there, I'm lying on the ground vomiting. All of the sudden, Cristina appears out of nowhere and kneels down beside me.

        "Litte Grey, are you okay?" I smile at her. "I'm fine, I think just might have a little stomach bug. I'm sorry about puking in the middle of the hallway. I'll go get some paper towels and clean it up." I walk past her and enter the bathroom. I grab as many paper towels as I can and wet a lot of them with soap and water. Within 10 minutes, my mess of puke is gone, like it never even existed. Cristina stands in front of me with a serious look on her face. "Lexie are you sure that you just have a stomach bug?" I nod vigorously. "There's nothing to worry about Cristina. I'll be fine." She looks skeptical, but dosen't press any further questions. "Okay little Grey. See you around." "See ya Cristina."        

        I head back the gallery and sit down once again. I try to relax after what just happened, but there is a question that's currently haunting me. That question being does Cristina know that I'm anorexic and that I starve myself on purpose sometimes? I mean she couldn't possibly know because I've never even told anyone, including Mer. Yet there's also the possibility that she does know because she's Cristina Yang and Cristina Yang knows just about everything. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter. :) -Mary


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