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Shores POV

I laid back as the heroine hit my body. Blue had convinced me to take it one more time, he always says that. I couldn't resist, what better worth did my life have.


Blue spat out as I laid on the bed from the needle of heroine. I didn't say anything back, god knows what he would have done if I said something back.

"Come on, have another"

Blue spoke pulling me back into a sitting position.

"No blue, i Don't want any more"

I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't get mad. He looked up from the needle he was getting ready and dead eyed me.

"Il stick it in your fuckin neck if you keep whining about it"

He shouted at me as he pulled out my other arm. He stuck the new needle of heroine in, piercing my already slashed up arms. The pain was okay, and I guess the heroine did numb the pain. He left the room as I laid back down onto the bed, the room was spinning and I felt like complete shit. I just wanted this nightmare of a life to fuck off. I couldn't say I didn't love blue, because I did. I loved him despite his constant abuse, despite his hatred towards me, despite the fact he made my life not worth living. I don't know why, I didn't understand why I loved someone who made my life hell. But I did.

I soon passed out, High as a bird.

"Wake the fuck up"

Blue said pushing me awake. I opened my eyes and stretched as I sat up.


I said looking at blue, he raised his voice,

"Did you smoke my last cigarette?'

I jumped back at his loudness,

"No I swear I-"

I was cut off by blues anger,

"Don't fuckin lie to me shore, I know you did!"

He said now getting up in my face, I tried to hold it together. Crying didn't stop him, it in fact made him even madder, I had learnt from past experience.

"I'm fuckin done with you and your constant lying!"

He shouted at me. I wasn't lying, and I never did lie to him. He was just high.

"You know what shore, I'm done, we're done, it's over! I don't love you anymore!"

He screamed violently throwing his bottle at the wall behind me. I didn't want to lose him, he was all I had left.

"Please don't leave! I - I I'm sorry!"

I stuttered back at him, I stood up and placed my hand on his chest. He shoved me away pushing me straight into the wall.

"I'm leaving you!"

He spat out. I didn't know what to say or what to do. He grabbed me by the arm and walked me to the door, throwing me out and into the cold streets of balby. He slammed the door behind him. I ran straight back up to the door, pouncing on it loudly and crying for him to let me back in.

"Blue please! I love you, your all I have blue, OPEN THE DOOR!"

I begged him for a few minutes, but I knew he wasn't gonna come to the door. I sat on the door step, and cried my eyes out. The only person I had left in my life, gone. I was willing to put up with the drugs and abuse if it meant I wasn't lonely.

Loneliness was something not even drugs could stop. Being trapped in your own mind, with your thoughts. No one to talk to, all I wanted was someone to talk to so I could drown out my thoughts for a few relieving minutes.

I had no where to go, and no money to spend.

My dad left when I was young, I've never really knew him, and my mum overdosed. That's how I met blue actually, he was my mums dealer. He took me in after I was left with no one. I had no other family Either.

My life was useless, no one to turn to and no where to go. My thoughts got the best of me, and I ended up standing on the top of the closest bridge I could find. I just stood there, contemplating life. Should I jump? Well what better did I have to do. No one in this world cared for me, there would be no difference if some now homeless druggy died.

So I jumped.

I felt the wind brush through my hair as I dropped. I was only falling for a few seconds. Then that was it, darkness. The pain was all gone, and I could now rest in piece. My depression had got the best of me, my thoughts were deadly. Literally.

That was it. It was all over

Well at least thought that was it, but it instead opened a new chapter of my life up. A chapter that may be worth living.


A new book! This book is gonna be based on very sensitive subjects as you can probably tell, but I hope you do enjoy reading it. I have had a blast writing it. Love you all 🖤

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