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Shores POV

I woke up and Dom was still asleep. He was probably exhausted from yesterday. I managed to sneak out of the bed and use the bathroom. I did my business then decided to do my makeup and hair.

Once I had my makeup and hair done, I went back to Doms room, he was still asleep. I took one of his tops and put it on, wrapping a studded belt around my waist. I finished it of with some black cycle shorts. Once I was ready I headed down stairs, not waking Dom up.

Once I was downstairs I was met by Adam, but he was on the phone.

"Why would you do that?"

Adam said sounding angry, but trying to keep quiet at the same time. He waited a minute or so before carrying on,

"It's fuckin pathetic mate! You know there not dating fuck me"

Adam said raising his voice slightly down the phone. I gave Him a concerned look and he put the phone down

"Ferri May, she was the fan account"

Adam says as he sits down on the kitchen side.

"The fuckin bitch!"

I said loudly, Adam shushed me though

"Doms asleep"

He said. I nodded. Me and Adam took a seat on the sofa and started watching some tv, and talking about what was gonna happen with Ferri May now.

It had been about 10 minutes until the door knocked. Me and Adam looked at each other before Adam stood up to open the door. He walked over and pulled open the door. It was Ferri May. She walked in and bashed her hands against Adams chest pushing him

"What the fuck Adam?"

She shouted loudly. I was a very argumentative person, and I was quite frankly violent. I stood up and walked over to Ferri and pushed her back, and I pushed her hard, hard enough that she nearly fell but stopped herself with the door frame. I knew Adam couldnt hit her back, and I was absolutely raging with her. She looked so unbelievably shocked. This time Adam didn't pull me away, but just allowed me to hit her. Ferri May stood up properly and ran towards me. She gripped her hand taking a full chunk of my hair. Both her hands were wrapped around the sides of my head and she had left her face completely visible. I took my hand and smashed it into her nose. Her hand instantly let go of my head and she went to wrap her hands around her nose. I grabbed the back of her head and swung her head down. I lifted my knees up and her face collided with my knee. Just as I did Adam shouted

"Get that bitch!"

He shouted. He was too funny honestly. Ferri May dropped to the floor holding her now bloody face. I was violent, very violent...

Ferri soon stood back up and swung her fist, harshly hitting me around the head.


I heard Dom say from behind me. I could feel him running up to us but I was so angry he wasn't about to stop me. I took my hand and threw it around her neck. I pushed her back and slammed her hard into the wall. I took my free hand and punched her a few times before she fell unconscious. Just as she did I felt Dom pulling from the waist back wards.

"Get of me!"

I shouted still pumping with anger. Dom threw me into the Sofa.

"What are you doing!"

He shouted at me.

"The bitch was hitting Adam!"

I said standing back up. Dom widened his eyes and looked stressed.

What had I done! I had just ruined everything for Dom. He wouldn't be able to do this song if ash found out I had beaten up her best friend. FUCK

Adam came and sat next to me whilst Dom went over to Ferri May. Adam rubbed my back

"You okay?"

He asked. I nodded

"Yeah I'm okay"

I said back. Dom helped Ferri up as she gained consciousness. Ferri soon got her balance back and stomped out of the house.

"Dom I'm so sorry"

I said looking to him. He just looked like he was in complete shock at what had just happened.

"You've just ruined the entire thing Shore! I'm not gonna be able to do my biggest song now!"

He shouted at me. I was completely silent and so was Adam. I was so upset at what had just happened. I could feel the tears coming so I stood up and rushed upstairs as the tears started dropping. I ran to my room and shut the door. I cried into my pillow hysterically, I couldn't believe I had just done that! Dom would be so much better without me, I just ruined everything.

I stood up and packed my suitcase with all my clothes. I took everything I owned and packed it back up.

Just as I was zipping up my case, Adam walked in.

"Are you oka- What are you doing?!"

He said running over to me.

"Look Dom would be better if I wasn't here, I ruin everything for him"

I said sniffling.

"You can't do this every time you get upset you know!"

He said to me. He was right. But this time I wasn't gonna come back, there was no way. I took Adam into a deep embrace and we hugged for a few minutes. After I let him go I picked up my suitcase and left the room. I could feel Adams eyes burning me as I left. I ran down the stairs and past Dom who was head in hands on the kitchen side. I'm not even sure if he looked up as I left the house. I shut the door behind me and walked out of the front garden. As I walked in took my phone and pressed on a number I never thought I'd be pressing again.

"Shore?" - unknown

"Hi" - Shore

"Are you okay?" - unknown

"No, can, can we meet?" - sure

"Yeah I guess, meet at the tree?" - unknown

"I thought you forgot about that, be there" - Shore

"See you soon" - unknown

I ended the call and walked my self to the back of a park to a tree covered my Leafs. I walked through the leafs and into a small hide space. There he was, sat on the floor.


He said.

"Hi, Elijah"

I said back.

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