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Shores POV

I awoke from a nap I took because of pure Boredom. I looked at the clock to check the time, 10:13pm. One long nap it was, but now I was awake I didn't want to go to sleep. But at the same time I didn't want to leave my bed to face the world of cruel people. I finally decided to get up, and go back to get a drink and some food. I assume I missed tea because I was asleep and the nurses didn't want to wake me up.

First I walked to the juice stand, and poured a drink out. To the far left of the room was Dominic's room. His curtain was open and him and another man was sat in there. Dom was sat on the bed and the other man was sat in the chair. I looked over to him, he looked back at me and smiled, I gave him a fake smile back and went back to my drink. I took a sip before throwing it into the bin. I looked down and ruffled through my hair before I heard a mans voice speak,

"You okay?"

The man sat with Dominic said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

I said looking over and smiling once again. Dominic spoke up this time,

"This is my bestfriend Adam, adam this is shore"

I smiled and walked over to Doms room, holding my hand out to shake Adams. He shook it and I lent back,

"Are you here with anyone?"

Dominic said looking into my room,

"No, by myself"

I said looking at my room than back at the boys,

"Oh, must be boring, at least we have phones eh"

Adam said this time, I shook my head

"No, the doctors took my phone away, so it's just me and myself in there"

They both looked shocked at what I had just said.

"Are they aloud to do that?"

Dom said looking at Adam

"I mean obviously"

Adam said looking back at Dominic. They both looked at me, I shrugged.

"Well you can talk to us if you get bored"

Dom said, Adam agreed.

"Thanks, but going to find some food, maybe In
a bit"

I said trying my best to smile, they smiled back


I said as I walked from the room. Just as I was about to turn the corner I heard Dominic speak up

"I hope your okay"

I could tell he instantly regretted saying it, I turned to face him

"I hoped that for a long time"

I said smiling once more before turning the corner to the main floor. I walked into the food storage room, and grabbed one of the spare sandwiches that the nurses had left in case anyone was hungry. I picked it up and started walking back to my room. As I got to the hall to my ward I saw Dominic approaching me. I smiled as I passed, but he just stopped walking when I passed him. I turned to see what he was doing,

"You good?"

I said as he looked at me. He nodded and walked a bit closer to me,

"Life is worth living, someone out there cares"

He said smiling and looked at the floor and back at him

"Thanks, but I'm Afraid you little saying doesn't apply to me, sorry man"

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