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Shores POV

I woke up alone. Dom wasn't in the bed, so I sat up and went on a journey to find him. I searched downstairs and soon enough realised I should have checked the backyard. I walked outside to see Dom pacing up and down whilst on the phone.

"Great! Thankyou, see you then"

Dom said way to loud for 7am.

"Good news?"

I asked. He nodded.

"I've got a singer for your part of 11 minutes!"

He said excitedly. I was kind of upset, I knew I said he should find a new singer and that I wouldn't perform it on stage, but it was my song with Dom. Like are special little, thing and now it was gonna be him and some other woman's special thing. My face dropped noticeably, but I tried to be happy for Dom


I asked shortly.


He said choking on his words. I think he knew I was upset about it.

"Oh, she's really good. Bet she'll sing my part well"

I said as I turned to walk back inside. I wanted to cry, but held it in because it was such a stupid thing to cry over. I heard Dom follow me in,


He said as he grabbed my shoulder to turn me around. I looked at him and gave him an obviously fake smile,


I murmured. He looked at me with a frown,


He asked sweetly.

"Nothing babe! I'm happy for you"

I said trying to act as sincere as possible. He smiled at me

"I know that it's your song and that me singing it with someone else could be quite upsetting"

He said to me.


I said looking down. Dom rubbed my shoulder and stood back.

"I'm gonna go get ready"

I said my voice breaking, wanting to cry. I turned and walked up the stairs, tears starting to stream down my face. I'm pretty sure Dom knew I was crying, yet he didn't come to comfort me.

I walked into my room and shut the door, throwing my body onto the bed. The past few days I had been feeling better, but it just feels like it had all came crashing down.

I had so many thoughts. Dom and Halsey on stage, singing a love song together! They were probably gonna hug and hold each other close for the intimate parts. He was gonna publicly announce 'she's the best he's ever had'. I know I should just trust him, but trust is something I lost years ago, and i simply didn't trust anyone, even Dom.

I laid in bed for a good hour before Adam came in.

"You okay"

He asked kindly.

"Yeah I guess"

I said sitting up to face him. He sat on the bottom of the bed opposite me.

"Come on, spill your emotions to the bestie"

He said trying to make me laugh, and I did.

"It's just the whole Halsey in the song, I mean there gonna be on stage holding each other whilst singing a love song! That I wrote! And god knows, he could fall for her! I mean she's a gorgeous woman"

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