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Shores POV

Last night was a whirlwind of emotions, but I couldn't be happier. I woke up wrapped in Doms arms. He hugged me tighter and then let go to get out of bed. I joined him in getting out of bed.

"Morning baby"

Dom said as he pulled me into a tired hug. God I missed this so fucking much. I hugged him tight.


I said back to him. He released me from his hug and he bent down, pulling my T-shirt up.

"And good morning to you too"

Dom said as he placed his head against my stomach. God my heart just exploded at the sight. I rubbed Doms head as he spoke to the baby.

He soon stood up, placed a kiss of my lips then got ready. I also got ready, putting on a simple outfit and black knee high heels. I put my hair up and did my makeup.

Dom did the same, layering his eyeliner on.

"Do you wanna do my makeup?"

Dom asked me.

"If you want"

I said back.

"Yeah I want"

He laughed. I took my supplies over to him and started on his makeup. I did natural eyebrows and a basic base. I put on a little black eyeshadow, followed by even more eyeliner.

"Close your eyes"

I said as I applied the mascara. He did so and I put on a few layers of it.

I decided it would be fun to draw on black hearts under his eyes, for a bit of fun.

"What ya think"

I said as I passed him the mirror over. He looked into it

"I love the hearts"

He giggled.

He pulled a few faces before putting the mirror down.

"Come on, we have a ride to catch"

Dominic said as he started to put all his belonging into a suitcase, and I did the same. Today we were in the road down to new Rochelle. Dom had a show their tonight and I was gonna stay with him for the next show or two.

"So what's ash think about me coming?"

I asked Dom as we left the hotel room.

"She's okay with it"

Dom said quickly, trying to avoid talking about her. We walked the hallways and we were soon out of the hotel and walking to the bus.

"Do you know how far along you are"

Dom asked as we got to the door of the bus.

"Few weeks I think"

I said back to him. He took my suitcase and carried it up the stairs and into the bus.

"You can come sit with me"

Dom said as he placed the suitcases under the seats. The buss was like the layout of the inside of a train, except the seats were all 4 person seats with tables between them.

I sat down and Dom sat opposite me

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I sat down and Dom sat opposite me. Adam and Parker has taken seats on the four person seater behind us. There was no sign of ash or Mariám and rick.

"So, what's your plan. Like with the baby and tour"

I asked him. How was he suppose to raise a baby with me when he was gonna be on tour all the time.

"Well Il finish this tour and il be done by the time you hit 3 months pregnant. Then il just not go on tour for a year or so till the baby's born and settled. After that il just have to do small tours or just concerts every now and again"

Dom said. His words comforted me, maybe everything could work out well.

"Okay, makes sense"

I giggled. He laughed back then his eyes took to the entrance. I'm walked Ashley and Marina and rick. Ash made small eye contact whilst walking past us. Her and marina and rick all took seats on the four seater sext to Adams and Parker's.

Dom took my hand in his.

"I love you so much"

He said to me causing my heart to warm. God I loved this man so much.

"I love you too"

I said not being able to contain my smile. He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss upon my lips. There was no feeling like the feeling of Doms love.

Dom sat back and took his phone from his pocket. I did the same, something to do to pass time.

As I scrolled Instagram I felt the bus starting. The bus started and we were on the roll, the next few hours were gonna be boring.


Short chapter I'm sorry!! But like the next few chapters are gonna have you sadding, and I'm sorry for that lol.

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