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Shores POV

I had finally finished un packing my bags. I threw on a new outfit, not wanting to wear the ones I had worn for days. I went out searching for Dom or Adam. I looked into a room down the hall, and Dom and Adam were both there, writing down on a notepad.

"Hey what you doing?"

I said walking in the room,

"Just writing some ideas for a song"

Adam said smiling and patting the seat next to him for me too come sit. I joined the bench, sitting next to Adam.

"You probably have better thoughts than me. Any ideas for lyrics?"

Dom said loudly, I smiled

"Well I need to feel the vibe of the song first, Is it sad, happy or like, what's the base?"

I said not knowing what to tell them

"Kind of sad. But also inspirational. It's called 'Hope For The Underrated Youth' so you know"

Dom said while tapping his pencil on the desk he was sat on.

"Okay okay, urm let me think"

I said furrowing my brows.

"What do you feel like when your sad, like what does it make you feel like?"

Adam spoke up.

"Like I just want someone to take my heart out, like maybe that'll make it better"

I said shrugging at the idea.


Dom shouted jumping up. He scribbled in his pad

"Keep going!"

Dom said basically jumping around the room.

"Uh. Like everyday's an episode like I pick and mix with my self control"

I said. Dom put his arm on his chest and frowned.

"Your so good at this it's unreal, but it's so sad"

He said whilst writing down some more lyrics. Adam looked and smiled at me, I smiled back. Dom
Looked at me to as if to say, more.

"I made friends with the dark parts of my mind"

I said, Dom writing down more, Dom than sang something

"And my eyes are about to blow but that's all part of this freak show"

His voice was beautifully raspy. I looked in awe.

We spent a good hour writing up some lyrics. It was so amazing, I hadn't felt as happy in years. Maybe coming here wasn't the biggest mistake.

Once Dom got bored of writing lyrics, we all head down to the living room. Adam took a seat on the sofa, and Dom walked over to the tv and PS4 pressing both the buttons.

"Let's see if there's anything good on Netflix"

Dom said spinning around smiling.

"I'm gonna go get some pjs on"

I said smiling and walking up the stairs. I got to my room and went to the wardrobe, picking out my grey leggings and matching grey crop top revealing my large side tattoo.

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