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Shores POV


I woke up and my head was bouncing across the room. As my eyes opened the lights in the room caused my head to throb erratically. I threw my hands over my face,

"What the hell?"

I said loudly, I had no idea where I was, and no idea what I was doing here. I heard steps from the distance, and soon a curtain opening.

"Hello, my names Mary, I'm gonna be your nurse for today"

The bright voice spoke softly. Nurse? Why was there a nurse in my room, was I in the hospital?

"Can you tell me what happened?"

I said barley getting my words out. My eyes finally re adjusted to the room and I took a look around. It was indeed a hospital, but why?

"Well you was found with a concussion and a few broken ribs, along with your arm of course."

I looked to my arm, it was all plastered up and in a cast. Great. The nurse walked over to my side and put a heart rate machine around my good arm.

"Your very lucky"

She said,

"You could have died with a fall like that"

She said obviously not aware of the circumstances stances. It all came back to me, the fight, blue breaking up with me, and the jump.


I said softly. She smiled as she took of the heart monitor.

"You've been admitted to the inpatients ward, your gonna be here for a while I think, so get comfortable"

She spoke up as she walked towards the curtain. She opened it and walked out, shutting it again behind her. I couldn't believe I survived, I didn't know how to feel about it. I had no where to go after I left the hospital, no one to go to.

I had never felt worse in my life, physically and mentally. I decided to try and stand up, I did but not before nearly falling over. My head was still pounding, and my feet were weak. I managed to stand straight and practice walk. I spent about 10 minutes walking from my bed to the window, getting my self use to it. I took of my hospital gown, and threw on my clothes that the doctors had taken off of me. The clothes were dirty, and not the best looking. I threw up my hair and put on my shoes. I walked out of the room, and wandered the hospital. I soon reached the main entrance, I walked outside and sat watching the cars go by. After a few minutes I was starting to get cold and walked back inside, looking around to see the nearly empty hall. There was a woman and her baby standing in the hall at the desk, and a few men stood at one of the tables. One of the men had on a pink cast over his foot and a hospital gown on. The other two men were taking pictures of him as he posed for a picture. I didn't pay too much attention to either of the people and walked through the main hall and the the doors that lead to the stairs. I walked up the stairs and back to my ward, taking a place back on my bed. After only a few minutes a woman in a black suit walked in, she looked very professional.

"Hello darling, my names doctor wills I'm the departments therapist, I heard you may wanna talk?"

She spoke softly, she seemed like a nice enough lady.

"Yeah we can speak"

I said to her not making eye contact, but staring down at my bed. The nurses that accompanied her to the room now left, leaving just me and her.

We spoke for about an hour, about my life, my feeling and my problems. By the end of the session she had basically learnt my entire life story, from the day I was born to the day I jumped. She consoled me a lot and though I couldn't trust anyone anymore, I felt close to her. Like she was a friend.

She left the room and I checked to see the clock, 12:13pm. The nurse, Mary, came into the room

"I've brought you a jacket potato and a pot of cheese if you'd like it"

She said placing down the tray of food for me to eat.


I said as I picked up my cutlery. She left the room leaving me to eat it piece. I started to eat my food, and it was quite nice for hospital food. I finished the meal in peace, I didn't have a phone on me as the doctors had taking it as a mental health kind of thing. My tray was empty and I decided to get up to get a drink, in each ward there was a table with plastic cups and jugs of juice on. I picked up the orange and poured my self a cup. I stood to the side and took a drink, soon enough a young man came up from one of the beds on in the ward hoping on his crutches, and poured himself some blackcurrant. I didn't pay any attention to him until he spoke up,

"Hi, my names Dominic"

He said holding out his hand for me to shake, I looked up at his and hesitated before I put my hand out.


I said as my sleeve lifted revealing my slashed arms. He took a look at it before looking away quickly, and his face was back at mine. I smiled before throwing my cup into the bin and walked back to my room, I waved at Dominic before shutting the curtain. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone, especially any men.

For the rest of the night I sat in my bed. Doing nothing except diving deep into my thoughts, I was doing exact thing that nearly killed me. But at this point I had no hope, I had no where to go and quite frankly I didn't want to be on earth. I just wanted go and be forgotten about .

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