Twenty one

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A few days later

Shores POV

Dom was leaving tomorrow. There wasn't gonna be a moment sadder than when I lost my bestfriend and my boyfriend. The past few days were amazing. We spent every second in each other's arms, and now I wouldn't feel them for weeks, months.

Today everyone seemed to be sad. Me, Adam and Dom all sat on the sofa together. It was silence, no tv and no speech. I just wanted to stay like this forever.

"I don't wanna go"

Dom spoke up as he stroked my fore head.

"I don't want you to go"

I said back to him.

"We should just not go"

Adam said. We all laughed a little,

"We should go for dinner tonight"

Dominic said to me and Adam. I nodded and so did Adam.

"Spend the rest of our time together"

Adam said.

"You make it sound like we're all gonna die"

I said back to him causing a little giggle.

"How about we go somewhere"

I said to the boys.

"Ohh I have an idea"

Dom said easing from his seat. Me and Adam both stood up after Dom and followed him to the kitchen.

"Let's make a picnic and we can go to our cliff"

Dom said smiling. I smiled back and replied

"Sounds fun"

We all helped making sandwiches and pack crisp packets. It only took us 10 minutes to finish making food and we were on our way.

We all jumped into Doms car and we drove in silence to our cliff. The windows were down Causing the wind to blow through my hair. The only thing I could think about was Dom leaving me. I had only Elijah, who I had kept in contact with over the past few days, he's even coming to keep me company the first night Dom was gonna be gone.

Dom parked up and we all jumped out. Adam and Dom went to the back to collect the blankets and food. They brought out the blankets and laid them in front of the car. Then they placed the food across the floor. Me and Dom sat on the blanket, our backs leaning on the car. Adam sat on the other side of Dom and started passing down sandwiches. We all started eating and watching the sun set. It was like 6pm by now.

We eat and made small talk whilst watching the sun fall. I ate a cheese sandwich and a bag of crisps. Dom and Adam ate chicken sandwiches and crisps.

We sat for half an hour eating until we were finished. The sun was near set and it was getting dark.

"We can stay here for a bit if you want"

Adam said quietly.


I hummed back to him. We all sat watching over the city, lights of buildings glowing below us.

"It's so beautiful"

I said watching the lights glow.

"Just like you then"

Dominic said back to me.

"Your so fuckin cheesy"

Adam said, laughing at Doms words. I smiled and rubbed his shoulder.

"Well it's sweet"

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