In Class

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(Morning before classes)

I leaned over the sink to stare into the bathroom mirror. I grimaced and brushed my hair into various styles before settling to just mussing it up with my hands. Perfectly messy.

"Chrom," Fredrick said, standing in the doorway, "it's been 15 minutes. I'm sure that your hair is perfect."

I smiled. "Thanks Fredrick."

"I have your backpack right here."

I held out my arms and allowed Fredrick to slip the straps over my shoulders.

"I snuck in a snack for you," Fredrick said.

"What would I do without you?" I asked, shaking my head and laughing.

"I don't know, milord."

"Fredrick, don't call me that outside of Medieval Club. It's weird."

Fredrick looked uncomfortable. "Sorry... Chrom. I honestly don't mean to. It's a habit."

I patted Fredrick's shoulder. "Come on, lets go to World History."

Robin (Male MU)
(In World History Class)

I situated my pencils on the desk and waited for the bell to ring. I'd gotten to class 8 minutes early... We had 10 minutes between passing period. I was the first in the class.

After a few minutes, the other kids started trickling in. I noticed a distinct blue hue of hair and quickly looked down at my open textbook.

"Hi Robin!" Someone said, as they took the desk next to mine. I looked over at Chrom. I had to make sure to not get caught in his entrancing eyes.

Chrom ran his fingers through his vibrant blue hair. "Um, ah, do you have any plans at lunch?" Chrom suddenly asked me.

I became a bit flustered but answered, "No, I was gonna eat in my dorm."

"You can eat with us. Bring your lunch to the west garden." Chrom's sweet smile kept me captivated until I heard the bell ring. Time for class to start.

"Alright class," Mr. Walhart bellowed. "Find a partner and work on the papers that I gave you yesterday."

I turned to look at Chrom, but he was already with Fredrick. I looked around and noticed a lone girl with bright red hair. I walked over to her. "Hi... You're Cordelia, right?"

The red head looked up at me and smiled. "Yes. You wanna partner up?"

I nodded and we worked for a while. After we finished our papers, I decided to learn more about her.

"So..." I grasped for words, "read any good books lately?"

Cordelia's cheeks turned as red as her hair. "Ummmhmm I have but you'd probably laugh at the kind of books I read."

I shook my head no. "I believe I wouldn't, but you don't have to tell me."

Cordelia and I looked at everything else except each other, then she finally said, "I read romance novels. Like Twilight and The Fault in Our Stars."

I wanted to grimace but instead I nodded and said, "Ok. I like your hair by the way."

Cordelia grinned. "Thanks! It seems like everyone dyes their hair at this school. Even the teachers!" We turned to gaze at Mr. Walhart's pink ponytail and laughed.

(Still in World History)

"The answer to number 17 is Iran," Fredrick informed me.

I sighed. "I'm tired of doing work. Can we take a break?"

"No milo-, Chrom. The more we do now, the less homework we'll have."

I pouted, looked away, and noticed Robin laughing with Cordelia.

"Fredrick," I began, turning my attention back to my brunet friend, "why don't you like Robin?"

Fredrick took a deep breath. "What makes you say that?"

I twirled my pencil. "Well I've noticed how disinterested you are in talking to both of the twins."

Fredrick cleared his throat. "When we helped the girl yesterday, she was wearing our rival school's varsity jacket. Did you not notice?"

"No I didn't. But she wore a Plegia High jacket, so what?"

Fredrick put down his pencil and looked me in the eye. "Chrom... We Ylissians don't associate with Plegians."

I rolled my eyes. "It's just a school rivalry."

"It's more than that, Chrom," Fredrick looked at me with sad eyes, "you know that."

A/N: This chapter felt incomplete to me :( but I hope you guys liked it a little!

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