Nowi wins!

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A/N: (Cred to artist)


(Setting: Weekend)

"I would like a strawberry milkshake please!" I said happily.

The waitress lady nodded then walked away.

"I LOVE the Pizza Parlor!" I squealed.

"Ssh!" Ricken hushed me. "You're at 88 decibels, Nowi."


"That's above the sound pressure of yelling."

I sighed and leaned back into the comfy seat. "Don't use school words on the weekend, silly."

Ricken facepalmed but perked up when he saw Maribelle walk to our table. She sat down on the opposite side of the table from me; next to Ricken.

"MARIBELLE!" I announced. "While you were in the bathroom, Ricken was saying school words on the weekend!" I leaned over the table to push an accusing finger into Rickin's face, causing him to lean back with a yucky expression.

Maribelle giggled. "Shame on you, Rickin! But Nowi, dear, please lower your voice."

I smiled. "OK! Oops, ok...! So Maribelle, who are you gonna ask to the Harvest Dance?"

Maribelle flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Lissa and Ricken, of course. Who are you going to ask?"

"Maybe you, Maribelle!"

Ricken and Mari facepalmed at the same time.

"Just kidding!" I joked. "I actually don't know who to ask."

"How about-" Ricken was cut short by our waitress setting our drinks onto the table.

The waitress smiled and pulled out a tiny notepad. "What can I getcha folks?"

"Just a large pepperoni," Rickin said.

"Aww," the waitress cooed. She looked at Maribelle. "Hanging out with your little siblings today?"

I gasped. "I am not related to them!"

Ricken glared at the waitress. "I'm sixteen," he said darkly.

"I'm 17!" I chimed in. "And she's 16!" I yelled, pointing at Maribelle.

"He's my 'boyfriend!' Maribelle hissed, gesturing to Ricken.

The waitress looked...mortified (oh no, I used a school word!) so she quickly scuttled away.

I noticed everyone else in the restaurant staring at us. Suddenly I felt self-conscious and sunk down in the booth.

"Well," Maribelle murmured, "at least you've quieted down."


Chrom's Adventures in Dorkness

*~{Chrom tries asking multiple girls to the Harvest Dance}~*

*~{Target 1: Robyn!}~*

Chrom: *slides into a desk* "Hey, Robyn."

Robyn: *uninterested* "What, Chrom."

Chrom: *runs hand through hair* "So you know that dance that's coming up next week?"

Robyn: "Yeah"

Chrom: "Have you found a date yet?"

Robyn: ""

Chrom: "Me neither."

Robyn: "..."

Chrom: "..."

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