The Harvest Dance

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Yeah this is what happened long ago (back when I was supposed to update! Whoooo~ *ghostly sounds*)

Cover art not mine (why would you even think that...)

Story time!



"So," Robin inquired, "ready to hit the dance floor yet?"

I shook my head no, then Robin sighed. I saw Chrom walk hand in hand towards the dance floor.

"Oh! Now I'm ready!" I grabbed Robin and made a beeline toward Chrom.



"Oh my God," I rambled. "These refreshments..."

Robyn laughed. "Yummy!"

I could barely hear her over the combination of loud music and my munching, but her smile indicated a good mood.

I tugged on Robyn's wrist and said, "There's cake on the balcony."

"Ok!" Robyn allowed me to lead her up the flights of stairs and through the halls until we reached the destination. We ate cake, gazed up at the stars, and began discussing our lives.

"My mother never graduated high school," I explained. "She could never get a stable job. We never had much to eat."

Robyn nodded thoughtfully. "So you enjoy every sliver of food."

"Yeah. But my brother is in college and I'm doing well in school. So she's super proud of us."

"That's wonderful," Robyn smiled. "I don't have a mother. And I might as well not have a father either. I don't know what his deal is!"

Her smile dissipated as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. I hurried and pulled her in for a hug. Robyn hugged back tightly.

"I just want to see my dad," she whispered.

I looked around and saw that we were alone. I patted Robyn's hair.

"I can't do anything about your dad," I murmured. "But we're ready to be a family to you."

Robyn looked up at me. "Who?"

"Us, the Ylisseans. We might be a school, but we're like family."

"Family..." Robyn tested the word on her tongue. "I love it."

I bent down and lightly kissed her cheek, feeling overwhelmed by emotions. "Let's head back, shall we?"


(At the Harvest Dance)

Virion twirled me around; my skirt bellowed beneath me.

"Virion!" I yelled over the music. "What the frick man?"

"Oh, dear Sully," he laughed.

I scowled. "You know I didn't want to be in this skirt! So make sure that no one can see under it!"

"No one is looking at you, dear," Virion grinned. "And if they are, they're thinking about how beautiful you look."

My face probably turned as red as my hair. "Uh um, enough with the fluffy crap. Let's dance."

We danced some type of way until the music mellowed out.

"Ooh," Virion cooed, "slow dancing."

The danseur slipped an arm around my waist and tugged me closer.

"Uuhhh" I panicked, "I'm gonna go get some punch."

I pulled away and headed to the refreshments table. Nowi came walking up, arm in arm with Lon'qu.

"Hey Nowi," I said. "How did ya snag Lon'qu?"

Nowi grinned. "I told him to come with me! Isn't he a hottie?!"

I laughed then Lon'qu and I gave little waves to each other before he and his date walked off with cookies.

"What's wrong, Sul?"

I jerked my head to the left to see Virion. "How did you get here without me noticing?!" I demanded.

Virion lifted an eyebrow. "I'm a dancer. I can glide across the floor, light as a feather."

"Well get back to our spot," I demanded.

"I can't slow dance by myself," Virion smirked.

"I know something that you can do by yourself," I snarled.

"Sully, calm down."

"Actually, you can do everything by yourself because I'm leaving."

Virion dropped his playful demeanor. "Sully..."

"Leave me alone, I didn't even want to come with you anyway."

Virion's eyes darkened. "I'm escorting you back home."


The silence between Virion and I was maddening. We finally reached the dorms before he finally broke the silence.

"Stop it," he said.


"Stop allowing your anger to take over."

"You think two words are going to fix everything?"

"No." Virion took a deep breath. "Goodnight."

Virion lingered in the hall, making sure that I could get inside my room. I fumbled with the lock, stepped inside, then slammed the door. I looked out the peephole to see the sky blue hair disappear down the hall.


(At the dance floor)

It was awkward. Sumia was intimately close; way to close for comfort. Her head rested against my chest and her arms were thrown over my shoulders.

I glanced around caught Nowi staring at me from across the room.

I leaned down and whispered, "Sumia... Nowi is creepin' on us."

Sumia looked up and followed my gaze.

"What's up Nowi?"

Nowi grinned widely. "I'm just super happy that my date is hotter than Chrom!"

Sumia giggled while I gasped.

Nowi continued to say, "But no offense Sumia!"

Sumia only shook her head and said, "Oh, Nowi..."


A/N: Yeah that's what took like 3 months to write -_- smh

Btw I love all the FE:A characters but I made Sully seem too aggressive, Cordelia too cold, and Chrom less dorky... sry

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