Golden Locks

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A/N Artist cred


(English Class)

"Do not fear, anyone, for I am here," I said as I sashayed into English class.

Ms. Ilyana shook her head. "You are late, Maribelle. Please make sure that you're getting to class on time."

"Humph," I pouted and sat down next to Lissa, "I am not late. Everyone else is simply early."

My teacher looked to the ceiling in good humor, then continued her teaching.

"How many tardies do you have now?" Lissa whispered.

"39, dear."

The girl on the opposite side of me (Robyn, was it?) heard the little exchange and gasped. "How have you not been issued detention?!"

I gave a hearty little laugh. "Oh, my father's money keeps this school from crumbling! Authority should know better than to address me as one of the rabble."

"Maribelle..." Ms. Ilyana cautioned, "did you arrive to talk or to learn?"

"Oh, Miss Ilyana. You must know that I dearly enjoy your class, but I just had to clear up some confusion back here."

A few of my peers giggled, but Ms. Ilyana only smiled, then continued the lecture.

(Still Maribelle)
*school bell rings* (End of class and all classes for the day)

I gathered my bag and binder, then said to Lissa, "Today I think we should head to the café."

Lissa twirled the ends of her pigtails. "Actually, Maribelle, I agreed to walk around the school with Robyn."

"Excuse me, what." I said through clenched teeth.

"I mean, Robyn is still relatively new, so I just wanna show her around. You can come along if you want."

I furrowed my perfect eyebrows a bit. Not too much, I didn't want premature wrinkles in my perfect face. "Lissa!"

"It's ok," Robyn cut in, "if you come along."

"Oh!" I said to Lissa, "I just remembered that I have something to do with Ricken today!"

Then I turned to Robyn. "You. Don't. Ever talk to me without being addressed first."

Robyn took a few steps back. I flipped my hair and smiled smugly.

"Pure garbage," I murmured, while waltzing out of the classroom door.

Robyn (Female MU)
(In the gym)

"Cheerleaders are so...yuck!" Lissa crinkled her nose.

"What's wrong with cheerleaders?!" I demanded.

"Look at them with their little itty bitty short skirts and peppy kicks."

I looked down from the bleachers and onto the gym floor.

"Why are we here anyway?" Lissa asked.

"Well, you said that you didn't care were we ended up, so here we are." I gestured to the graceful girls.

Earlier that day, the cheerleader captain, Cordelia, asked me to try out for cheerleading. I turned her down because I'm not particularly athletic. But I didn't want her to think that I was against cheerleading, so I agreed to watch them practice.

"Ugh," Lissa complained, "look at the way that their hair flows all nicely and stuff."

I rolled my eyes. "Sounds like you're jealous of them."

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