Training Battles

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{Silver's POV}

I was cheering with the other men, as loudly as any one of them, as Caspian, and Edmund fought with swords.

I laughed as Edmund finally used his other hand to fight as well, and I saw that they had both stopped.

The swords were each at the opposite's throats, and Caspian smiled at Edmund.

"You've grown stronger, my friend."

Caspian said, and swung his sword back into his hand properly. "Either that or you've grown weaker."

I said and Edmund shrugged at the both of us. "It appears I have gotten stronger." He said, and went over to me, from where I was next to Lucy.

"All right, back to work!" The Captain called and all of the boys went back to work while I stayed with Edmund and Lucy.

"Your Highness." A man holding cups said. "Thank you." Edmund said, and I moved over so he could sit.

"Edmund." Lucy said, and her brother looked at her, raising his eyebrows, as he sat down.

"Do you think if we keep sailing... to the edge of the world, that we'll just... tip off the edge?"

Lucy asked, and I smiled. "Don't worry, Lu, we're a long way from there." Edmund said.

"I see you're still talking nonsense, the both of you. The two of you."

Eustace said, and I stood up, but Edmund shook his head at me, and I sat back down, growling at him.

"Are you feeling better?"

Lucy asked, and Eustace grunted.

"Yes, no thanks to either of you." He said, and I let out a low growl, and I felt Edmund's hand on mine.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked, and Edmund looked at him. "You are you dimwit."

Edmund said, and Eustace ignored his cousin, as if he hadn't spoken at all, as he prattled still on.

"It's lucky I have an iron constitution."

Eustace said, and Edmund snorted at him. "As effervescent as ever, I see." I heard Reepicheep say, and I chuckled.

"Find your sea legs?" Reepicheep asked him, and Eustace looked at him, and snorted.

"Never lost them. Just simply dealing now with the shock of the things into this place here and now."

Eustace said. "Let me hit him." I said coldly. "No don't." Lucy said, and then I looked to Edmund.

"Don't. All he wants is a reaction. It's how the dimwit works." Edmund said and Eustace scoffed.

"I'm the dimwit? You're the one who talks about Narnian nursery rhymes, and who got left behind yet again."

I punched him in the face, and he staggered back, and my eyes glowed red.

"Say it to them again. I dare you."

I said, my voice like a demon's from my rage, and I saw that Edmund was in between us now.

"Silver." He said, and I looked at him, and my eyes faded back to brown and I sat down again.

Eustace stood up again, and snorted.

"Mother says I have an acute disposition, now always due to my intelligence."

Eustace said, and Edmund spat out his drink into his cup sputtering loudly as I gently bumped his back, until he got his breath back. "Thanks." He said.

"I don't think he has a cute anything." I heard Reepicheep say, and of course it set Eustace off again.

"I'll have you know, and your entire bloody ship know, that as soon as we find civilization again, I'm contacting the British Consul, and having you all arrested for kidnapping."

Eustace said, and the entire ship, including Caspian, looking at him blankly, unable to understand.

I only knew parts of it, but knew enough that he was angry and wanted to get us trapped in a cell.

"Kidnapping is it? That's funny, because last I checked, I thought we saved your life." Caspian said.

"You held me against my will!"

Eustace shouted, and I sighed at his rather endless shouting. "Can I just, for once throw him overboard."

"Right now?" I asked.

"Go right ahead." Edmund mumbled, and I sighed, knowing he didn't mean it. "Ha!" Reepicheep said.

"Did I?"

Caspian said, clearly thinking that, this was some sort of joke to all of us, which it was, except to Eustace.

"In, what I must say, are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" Eustace said.

I heard Reepicheep sigh. "He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" He said, and Edmund snorted at him.

"He's just warming up." He said.

"Land Ho!" The man shouted from up and within into the Crow's nest. "Well. That's my cue."

I said, standing up, and dropping lightly onto four paws, forgetting completely about Eustace.

Who now screamed at the top of his lungs, and I sighed. "I hate you." I said and leaped up, climbing up the mast.

"The Lone Islands. The Port of Narrowhaven."

The Captain said, as I climbed quickly down from the Crow's nest, and drops down the last 5 feet.

"Strange, not a Narnian flag in sight."

Caspian said, handing the telescope to Edmund who put it to eye quickly and focused it. "But the Lone Islands, have always been Narnia's." Edmund said.

"Seems suspicious." The Captain said, and I nodded. "You think? I have lived a thousand years and then some."

I said, and narrowed my eyes.

"These islands have always been Narnia's. It's been such since before the Hundred Year Winter." I said.

"I say we prepare a landing party."

I heard Edmund say quickly, and I looked at him. "With all due respect to the both of you, if there is no Narnian, flag flying for us. What is it to say that they will welcome us? What if they're just kill us?" I asked.

"Drinian?" Edmund asked. "Forgive me, Your Majesty... but the chain of command starts with King Caspian, on this ship." Drinian said.

"Right." I heard Edmund say, and I looked at him, and I shook my head. "I get it. I got confused all the time."

I said, and he looked at me. "We'll use the longboats. Drinan, pick some men and come ashore. Tavros?"

I heard him say, and the Minotaur nodded, and turned to the men on the ship. "Man the longboats, furl the sail, and prepare to drop anchor." He said.

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