The Dragon

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{Silver's POV}

We walked back out onto the beach quickly, while Lucy and the others on the shore, had already made it back.

I looked at Edmund, who was crying silently. "What was that?" Lucy said as we heard the roar as well from on the beach.

"Oh no. That's no volcano."

I heard Drinian say.

"That's a dragon!" I heard someone shout from the boat.

I was with the others, as we now walked back to the boat, and Caspian fell to the ground.

"Edmund! Silver!"

He shouted, but by now, we heard him too late, as the dragon went low, and picked us up in his huge claws.

"Edmund!" Lucy screamed.

"Silver!" Drinian shouted, and Edmund looked over. "Lucy!" He screamed back, as we were flown around, and back to the island.

I reached for Edmund's hand and we yelled as the dragon swooped, soaring over towards the smoke.

As we both thought we were going to become dinner for this dragon, I saw a set of words written in fire.

"Ed." I said, and he nodded.

I am Eustace

Was written on the ground in fire. "Oh you've got to be joking!" I said, and Ed was looking at the dragon.

"You have got to be joking." He said, as we flew back to the ground quickly.

I was back on the ground with Edmund and the others, as Eustace looked at us, whimpering.

He was also letting out some sort of growling whine. "He kind of sounds like you." Caspian said.

"He does not!" I snapped at him.

"He must have been tempted by the treasure." Edmund said. "Anyone who is born knows that a dragon's treasure is enchanted."

Caspian said, and we all looked at him. "Anyone from here anyways." He amended.

Lucy went over to Eustace, and grabbed the bracelet, and tore it off as he roared.

"Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked. "Not that I know of." Caspian said.

"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased."

I heard Edmund say, and I raised my eyebrows, and Eustace stamped hard his foot, and I heard Reepicheep.

"Sorry about the hand, old boy. I can be a bit overzealous at times."

I heard Reepicheep say, and Eustace looked up and gave him a very dirty look.

"The boats are ready, Sire." Tavros said. "We can't leave him alone." Lucy said.

"We can't very well bring him on board, Your Majesty." Drinian said, and I sighed.

"Drinian, you and the others take one boat back. The rest of us will stay here till morning.. and we'll work out what to do."

Caspian said, changing his words mid-sentence for Eustace's sake, and I nodded.

"But you've no provisions, and no means of staying warm tonight, Your Majesty."

Mr. Rhince said, and Eustace snorted, and blasted a few flames at a log, and startling all of us in the process.

"You were saying?" Reepicheep said, and I chuckled at the look on Rhince's face.

"I've never seen these constellations before." Edmund said, as I lay next to him, almost asleep already.

"Me neither." Caspian said, and I looked at both of them. "We're a long way from home."

I said quietly, before I lay back down again watching the stars.

"When I was a boy, I used to imagine finally sailing to the end of the world, and finding my father there."

Caspian said, and I looked at him.

"I used to believe my mother and brother were out there as well. But over time, I began to realize I would never get the chance."

I said quietly, and Edmund looked at the both of us as he listened to us talk about our families.

"Maybe you will. Maybe you will both find your families there." He said, and I looked at him.

"Those were the dreams of a young girl who was lost, and had no one left to turn to. That girl is long gone."

I said, and lay back again, soon falling asleep.

I woke up to Lucy shaking me.

"Wake Edmund! Quickly! We can see the Blue Star now!" I heard her saying and I rolled over to shake Edmund.

He who in turn, shook Caspian awake as well, to all point at the Blue Star, in the sky.

We soon were all back on the Dawn Treader and I was watching as now Drinian was pacing.

"The Wind has left us." He said. "Well, how do we get to Ramandu's island as of now?" Edmund asked.

"My guess, is something doesn't want us there." Drinian said. "No kidding." I said.

"If I get any hungrier, I'm going to eat that dragon!" A random sailor said, as I heard him, and I walked over.

"You say that again and we duel."

I said, my voice cold.

"He is still, the flesh and blood, of your High King and Queen." I said coldly, and he looked at me.

"Yes Protector." He said, his voice quavering, and I nodded and I walked back to Edmund.

"When did you get so scary?"

He asked, and I looked at him.

"When someone tries to pick on one of my charges." I said, and he looked at me.

"Does that mean I can hit him?"

Edmund asked. "Of course."

I said, smiling at him.

"If we don't find land soon, by tonight, they may well eat that dragon. Nothin will stop em."

Suddenly we all went down hard, and I tumbled down to a stop, only to now realize I was half squishing Edmund.

"Sorry." I said, and I stood up again with him, and brushed off my pants quickly.

"Eustace, that's brilliant!" Edmund cried, and I looked at him, and then looked at Eustace.

The dragon who now had his tail wrapped around the figurehead, and was pulling us along.

"Onward Ho!" Reepicheep shouted, as the entire boat cheered on Eustace, as I looked at the grumbling sailor.

"Still want to eat him?" I asked, and he shook his head at me, as I followed Caspian and Edmund into the Cabin.

"We can't even be sure that the other lords even made it to the Ramandu's island?" Caspian said, holding one of the swords, before handing it to me.

"Caspian..." I said. "Take it. You were once a queen of Narnia as well, loved then and now by them."

He said, and I took it, and sheathed it in my belt, alongside Loyalty and my knife.

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