Chapter 11

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Sousuke pulled Haru towards the direction of his lair as fast as he could. When he was almost there, Haru began to squirm out of his strong grasp. But failed. "Tut, tut, tut. Poor Prince—trying to escape. I hate to break to you, Haruka. Your attempts are just going to end in failure." Sousuke taunted. Haru glared at him in rage. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?" Haru roared. Sousuke chuckled darkly. "Listen, Haruka. To tell you the truth, it's not you I'm after—it's your father, King Nanase." Haru gasped.

"What?!" He screeched. Sousuke smirked in delight. "To put it simple, I simply used you for your father's undoing. Now that I have you, I have bigger fish to fry!" Sousuke explained. Haru stared in complete horror and fright. H-He's a-after m-my father?! How could he do this? Oh no, Haruka, what have you got yourself into? Haru thought in fear. "But don't worry I won't take your soul or anything; I'll just turn you into a plant of some kind." Sousuke said letting out a sickly sweet laugh before he was cut off by a bright golden beam from King Nanase's triton that barely missed him. "Oh, King Nanase, it is good to see you." Sousuke greeted.

"Sousuke, release my son and I will spare you." King Nanase threatened with authority and power laced with every word. Rin had a you-better-bloody-listen-to-him look on his face as he came to King Nanase's right side. Brook landed on Rin's shoulder with a power-of-youth-shall-defeat-you look as he sent that look towards Sousuke. "Oh~!! I'm so scared~!!" Sousuke mockingly cried in a anime school girl voice. Tomura also joined in while Jin rolled his eyes and swam away. He did not want to be associated with them anymore (would you do the same?).

Sousuke snapped his fingers and an eerie green light began to swirl around Haru slowly turning him into a plant creature. King Nanase shot another golden beam from his triton, but Sousuke blocked it with the legally binding contract Haru had to get his legs. "This contract is completely binding, even you can't do anything about it. However, I have always prided myself in having an eye for a good trade. Sadly, what is more valuable than the prince of the seven seas?" Sousuke said to King Nanase, who glowered at him in disgust as Sousuke smirked evilly.

"You what, Sousuke. . . Take me instead." King Nanase said in a defeated tone. "Father, no don't it!!" Haru called out even though he was dangerously close to becoming the plant creature. King Nanase looked at his son before using the triton to replace his name with his on the contract. The second he completed signing his name, the eerie green light that swirled around Haru shifted over to swirl around King Nanase, and in a matter of seconds had him turned into a plant. Haru swam over to his father choking out apologies between his uncontrollable sobs. Sousuke took the triton and King Nanase's crown that had fallen to the ground when King Nanase transformed.

"You. . . You. . . YOU MONSTER!!" Nagisa yelled as he attacked Sosuke from behind. Rin and Brook went to aid him, but Sousuke used the power of the triton to lock Nagisa, Rin, and Brook in a cell made out of mossy cerulean stone. He turned his attention to Haru.

♕|Princess (F/N)|♕

"(F/N)," Seijuro said, gently grabbing (F/N)'s shoulder. "What in all the blue ocean is going on here?" (F/N) turned to him. "There's no time to explain, Seijuro, I have to save Haruka." She said tearing out her headband and veil, her (H/C) hair messily down. She then peeled off her wedding dress leaving her in just a white corset and bloomers.

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