A/N :Listen to the song while reading the chapter, and yeah it's Sam and lucifer not fem!Sam and lucifer but yeah

~ C h a p t e r 1 ~

"Come on Dean, you're gonna make me late!" Sam snaps at her older brother, smacking his forehead. Dean rolls onto his back, sitting up with an eyeroll. 'Stupid sophomores' he thinks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You have five minutes to be downstairs and in that car or I'm driving," Sam threatens, knowing that car is his baby and only dean is allowed to drive it. Dean is instantly on his feet, grabbing clothes and shutting his door.

Sam walks into her room, grabbing a hair bow to put on her wrist. She always carries one, after kindergarten year when her hair got caught in the fan on the gym floor, and the teacher swore if she had her hair up it would've been fine. Dean thinks she's crazy. Dean also thinks unicorns exist.

"Alright Sammy, let's go!" Dean calls from the hall, slinging his leather jacket on. She grabs her bag, practically jogging to keep up with him. When they get in the car, she reaches for the cd changer, tired of Metallica.

"What are you doing?" Dean asks, disbelief on his face. "Did you forget car rules?"

"No I didn't forget. Rule #16, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cake hole," Sam recites in a monotone, leaning back in her seat. Dean simply grunts before pulling out of the driveway.

[| • _ • |]

"Ms. Winchester this is your class schedule, and Lucifer will be showing you around school this week, just until you become comfortable with the school." The receptionist smiles politely, gesturing to a blonde leaning against the wall. Sam hesitantly walks up to him, noticing his tattoo sleeves and piercings.

"Hi, I'm Sam," she introduces, smiling and extending her hand to him. Looking at her with one pierced eyebrow raised, Lucifer chuckles before walking down the hall, knowing she will follow. He tells what class is what before beginning to, in his words, send you on your magical journey through hell, when Abbadon walks down the hall, her eyes trained on Sam.

"Oh fresh meat," Abbadon smirks, her red lips parting to show her piercingly white teeth.

"Excuse me?" Sam asks, slightly offended.

"This is gonna be a fun year," Abbadon laughs, stroking Sam's cheek, causing Sam to recoil. "Lucifer." She acknowledges his presence as she leaves, her face now stone cold.

"Whore." He says in the same monotone voice she had used. Abbadon flips him off before striding down the hallway.

"Ex girlfriend?" Sam asks, her voice laced with amusement.

"Sister." Lucifer states, walking the opposite direction of his sister.

"Oh, my bad." Lucifer shrugs, taking her to her first class, which is the same as his. Come to think of it, all of her classes are with him.

[| • _ • |]

"Ms. Winchester you may take a seat beside Mr. Novak." Her psychology teacher says, gesturing to Lucifer.

"Hey Lucifer," Sam says, even though she has been with him since school began.

"Hey Samantha," Lucifer replies, having found out earlier she hates her full name. Sam socks him in the shoulder lightly, giving him a teasing glare.

"Guess you're living up to your name huh?" She jokes, earning a soft chuckle from the man.

"You have no idea," he laughs, turning his attention to the teacher.

[| • _ • |]

"Hey Sammy!" Dean yells from down the school hallway, receiving looks from their fellow students. He jogs up to Sam, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"What Dean?" She sighs, knowing from the smirk on his face he's probably going to ditch school, and she will have to find another way home.

"So me and Cassie here," he says, gesturing to a black hair boy with blue eyes, "are leaving school since we have fifth and sixth free..."

"So you want me to find another way home," Sam finishes for him, knowing this would happen. He smiles, laughing a little.

"Yeah just be home right after, okay? You know how dad gets." She nods because she did know exactly how her father is: an abusive alcoholic. Has been since her mom died, not that she remembers anything before that. Dean hugs her before heading out the door with 'Cassie'.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now," she mutters, forgetting about the dirty blonde haired boy standing two feet from her.

"Was that your brother?" Lucifer asks, gesturing to the spot her brother last stood. Sam jumped slightly, before calming herself down.

"Yeah, that's Dean."

"Hey if you need a ride home, I can take you?" He offers, causing Sam to smile. For a guy named Lucifer, he's actually pretty sweet.

"That'd be great, thanks," she smiles, looking up at him as they walked to class.

"No worries," he says, smiling slightly down at her. He wasn't much taller than her, maybe a foot, but that was enough for her.

[| • _ • |]

"I am not getting on that," she stares in disbelief, carefully eyeing the two wheeled death trap before her.

"Just get on," he says, rolling his eyes before adding, "wouldn't wanna be late." Sam hesitantly gets on the back of the motorcycle, and can practically hear the smirk on Lucifer's voice when he tells her to hold on tight, and then they're off.

By the time they get to her house, she's in love with riding the bike, but when checking her phone she sees she's ten minutes late and fear begins to consume her. Lucifer notices her change in attitude and puts his hands on her upper arms, looking her in the eye.

"Hey, it's okay," he attempts to soothe, before hearing the crash of a bottle from inside. He looks over her shoulder, seeing who he assumes is her father, stumble out of the house, anger evident in his eyes.

"Sam! Is that you?" He snaps from the front porch, glaring at Lucifer.

"Yeah Dad, it's me," she says, her voice shaking. Lucifer lets go of her arms, allowing her to walk up the steps to her home.

Lucifer casts one last look in Sam's direction before pulling off. She'll be okay, right?

[| • _ • |]

"Who was he?" Her father slurs, shoving her inside the house.

"He was just giving me a ride home, he's a classmate. That's all." She offers weakly, slowing walking up the stairs.

"Don't let it happen again, or you know what will happen." She nodded, running the rest of the way to her room, tears streaming down her face at the thought of what he would do.

"No more alcohol, right daddy?" she mumbles, reaching for her little black box.

A/N so this is my first Samifer book, please let me know what you think!

Oblivion // Samifer AU : Fem!Sam - hiatus -Where stories live. Discover now