War is coming

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The group walked through the forest , Thorin held up his hand signal king for them to stop. "What is it uncle?" Kili whispered, Boffur grabbed Daisy's hand making sure she was close by and Lizzy and Legolas took out their bows. "Put down your weapons, and no harm will come to you. I bring a message from Lord Salvator" a voice called out, a woman's voice. "be on your guard" Gandalf called quietly, " I said, lay down your weapons" they turned to see a hooded figure, who helped a knife against Nori's throat. The clattering of swords, knifes, and bows filled the air. "We've laid down our weapons, now deliver your message and be gone!" Lizzy yelled. The figure stepped away from Nori, and pulled down their hood. Revealing her long blond hair and bright green eyes, it was Jamie Lake. "Jamie!" Daisy exclaimed, she tried to run over to her friend but both Lizzy and Boffur held her back. "I am not here to make amends nor to assist you. I am only here to deliver the message my master has for you" "your master? you mean that piece of scum who wishes to see this world in darkness" "his name is Lord Salvator, and you will show him some respect" Jamie said firmly. "What does his message say?" Gandalf asked stepping forward, "War is coming, flee while you still can. For on the first of August his armies will be sent out to conquer these forests. Let's hope you find yourself on the right side" she pulled up her hood, and disappeared into the forest.

"We must make a battle plan!" Oin cried. "I say we head back to the mountain! gather our brothers and prepare to fight!" the dwarves cheered with Fili. "Be realistic! its July 15, you won't reach the mountain on foot in time. I say we head to Rivendell, or ask the Eagles for help, in sure Legolas can get us safe passage through the dark forest" people fell silent at Lizzy's suggestion. "I'm with Lizzy, we head to Rivendell and gather supplies, then call upon the Eagles. They are sure to help us" Gandalf called. The others nodded, they began to set up camp for the night.

"Lizzy" she sighed "what is it Fili?" "listen, I didn't kiss that hobbit she kissed me. It meant nothing to me, you know how I feel about you" he looked at her with pleading eyes. "You are forgiven" she whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

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