The day is coming

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Fili frantically ran ahead of the group to see if he could spot Lizzy, he had been desperately trying to find her for days. Legolas came up beside him "her birthday is in three days, we must find her for if she is the princess, it is said she is very powerful, Lizzy will need help controlling her powers" fili did not like Legolas, he knew him and Lizzy had bond, and felt she liked Legolas better them him. Fili turned to see once again, Thorin and Gandalf whispering in the back of the group. "What have you two been talking about!?" he exclaimed, the two men looked up at him. Thorin walked up to his nephew resting a hand on his shoulder, "we believe, that it's a possibility, we are not the only ones searching for Lizzy and bilbo" "what do you mean?" Daisy asked stepping forward. "Do you know the tail if Azog, leader of orcs?" Gandalf asked "yes, but we were told he was killed" Jamie replied. "Well, even after a second attempt, I have failed to kill him" Thorin said gravely, for he felt guilty for not bringing the creature who killed his grandfather to justice. "So you think Azog is looking for Lizzy, but why?" Fili asked, "like I said, the elf princess is very powerful, if Azog got controls of her, he'd have enough power to bring down middle earth" Legolas explained. He grew up listening to these tails, he knew the power of the elf princess better then anyone, for it was his favorite tail to hear about. As a child, he dreamt of finding her and brining peace between the woodland elves and Rivendell. "We must find her before him" "no duh Sherlock" Jamie stated, Daisy chuckled while the dwarfs and elves just looked at her. "Right, guessing you know nothing of Sherlock Holmes" "you guessed right" Kili stated.

Lizzy and bilbo sat in the branches of a tall pine tree, as Azog and his men ran by. They had been running from them for days, trying to find the group. "Oh Lizzy what will we do? we are out of food, the water is running low, and we are to far from the stream to go back" bilbo complained "bilbo, we must not lose hope, the company will find us or we will find them" Lizzy reassured. She winced as they got down from the tree. Her wound had not gotten any better, in fact it was getting worse. Lizzy had begun to believe she was struck, with a morgal shaft. "We have to find them, I know your wound is not any better, we need Legolas to heal you" bilbo said franticly, he did worry for the girl, he felt helpless as she was in pain and had been the one protecting him. They turned just in time to see an Orc pack heading towards them, Azog in the lead. They had been tricked. Bilbo jumped onto Lizzy's back and they took off. "Their catching up!" "I noticed!" Lizzy shot back, clearly being sarcastic. The sound of horn being blown could be heard, an elvish horn. Lizzy smiled, it was the company, it had to be. elves on horseback came into view surrounding Lizzy and bilbo they shot their arrows at the Orc pack. Lizzy felt bilbo being lifted off her back, before she could protest she too was lifted onto a horse. Lizzy watched the elves chase away the orcs, their leader stepped forward. "My name is Elrond, leader of the elves of Rivendell"

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