T H I R T Y • T H R E E

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Kaycees POV

It's been 5 years.

But when I look at myself in the mirror, I'm the same.

Till I finally did research and apparently I can stop myself from growing older by choice, or if I'm broken enough, my body will do it for me as a defence to stay young and strong.

It was honestly bullshit but it was true.

I smiled as I sat outside, watching my sister as she was playing in her small house. Seeing tony get out and look at me before walking towards the house.

Tony started clapping as he walked towards the small play house. "Magoona." He says weirdly and I chuckle as he sits on the tiny play chair. "Morgan H Stark you want some lunch?" He asks and I see her get out of the play house with an Ironman helmet on.

"Define lunch or be disinegwated." She says and I smile at her trying to say 'disintegrated'. "Okay." Tony says putting his hands up. "You should not be wearing that okay. That is a part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for mom." He says, kissing the helmet in the place where her cheek should be before taking the blue and silver Ironman helmet off her.

"How did you find this?" He asks, lifting up the helmet. "Gawage." She grins and I chuckle as I watch from afar. "Really? Were you looking for it?" Tony asks as Morgan plays with her hair. "No. I found it though." She says in a matter of factly tone.

"It's fine actually," he starts, picking her up in his arms. "Mom never wears anything I buy her." Tony says walking towards us as he smiles at me. I hear something and frown, looking to my left to see a car.

I see Tony, Natasha and another guy get out of the car. I look closely before I see who it is. "Scott Lang? Ant man?" I whisper to myself and I turn to see tony sighing as he looks at them. Nat gives a slight nod to tony, in which he nods back.

I see her give me a small smile and I return the smile. Getting up from my seat, I walk inside the house as they follow, but stay on the porch.

Tony walks past me as I go to the couch, sitting down next to Morgan, watching them talk outside.

Yes, we lost.

We found Thanos. We planned to make another gauntlet and use the stones to snap our fingers and bring back everyone, but the stones were destroyed.
In the end, Thor killed him by swinging his axe and decapitating him. I nearly threw up.

So now 5 years later, here I am, dropped out of school as I couldn't bare going back there, every moment being reminded that he was gone.

I slowly walk towards the open door, hearing them talk. I see pepper shoot me a warning look but I brush it off. Peeking through the door, I look at them gathered around, talking about something.

"Tony." I hear Natasha say and I take a breath. "We have to take a stand." She says and I frown. "We did stand, and yet here we are." Tony replies and I stare at the ground. "I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, daughters, but I lost someone very important to me. A lot of people did. And now, we have a chance to bring her back, to bring everyone back. And your telling me you won't even-."

"That's right Scott, I won't even. I can't."

I feel Morgan push past me and the door opens, she runs to Tony's lap and sits down on his lap. He looks up at me, seeing the tears in my eyes threatening to fall. "Mommy told me to come and save you." Morgan says as I stand there, staring at tony, feeling a tear slip down my cheek.

I sniffle as I look at Nat. "Is it true? You can bring everyone back?" I ask and she gives me a small nod. I stare back at tony and shake my head. "Fine, go ahead and give up! Let everyone suffer! You have a chance and you won't even try?!" I shout and he just stares at me.

I leave, running up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door and locking it. Sitting on my bed I take my laptop out, putting out a video.

"Heyyyyyy guysss! My name is ned, how ya doing!" He says with a bright smile on his face, then starts to nudge Sean in the arm. "Oh yea yea yea. Hey guys.. um. My names Sean Lew... and uh.. im a secret villain." He says and I giggle. "Oh really? How is it then, being a villain while going against Spider-Man?" I ask and he fake sighs. "Oh it's so very hard. Spider-Man is just so.. strong, athletic, nice and so very handsome." He says and I hold back a grin. "What about you Michelle? What are your thoughts on Spider-Man?" I ask and she looks up from her book. "Uh, idek, he's your man." She mumbles and I gasp. "Now I have to make sure no one gets this video." I say and she shrugs. "Fine, ill answer in your eyes." She says, putting her book down and facing him. "Spider man is, like, the best guy ever. I mean, he's so cute, his hair is so fluffy, he's so hot, and his not small as we all suspect." She says and I widen my eyes. "Michelle!" I shout, slapping her arm and she giggles. I turn the camera to Sean and see him blushing. "Oop, my battery is running low!" I say turning the camera to myself. "See you guys next week on daily nonexistent vlogs with kaycee at 3pm every Friday!" I giggle to myself. "It's Wednesday tho you weirdo." Sean says and I roll my eyes. "Well, see you next Weirdo Wednesday!" I say and widen my eyes. "Oo, that's actually a good nam-."

The video stops and I look down to see tears all over my keyboard. Closing my laptop, I put it on my bedside table before going into bed, feeling my eyes become heavy from the tears.

Soon, my eyes closed and my thoughts disappeared.


My eyes fluttered open as I hear footsteps passing my door.

Specifically light and small ones.

I looked over to my clock and saw it was 11:47. Wow I slept for a while. Not feeling tired, I get up, wrapping my arms around myself. I open the door quietly before walking down the hallway quietly.

Nearing the stairs, I see Morgan on the bottom step, staring at tony doing his thing, I can't really see. I frown when I hear a type of thump, I quietly walk down a couple steps and sit down, seeing tony with his arms up as he stares in front of him.

I see a type of loop thing on a diagram in front of him. Looking at it, I see it saying,


"Shit" tony says in surprise. I still don't know what he's looking at.


I widen my eyes and look at Morgan, seeing tony turn around to look at her. He widens his eyes and presses a finger to his lips while shaking his head.

"What are you doing up little miss?" Tony whispers as he stares at her. "Shit." She giggles again causing me to smile. "Nope, we don't say that. Only mommy says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her." He defends and I smile a little wider.

"Why are you up?" She asks and tony gestures to the diagram thing.

Idk, I don't know what to call his smart tech shit.

"Cause I've got some important shit going on here! What do you think?!" He whisper yells and I see Morgan tilt her head to the side. "No, I got something on my mind, I got something on my mind." He rephrases and I quietly sigh.

"Was it juice pops?"

My little sister is so adorable.

"Sure was." Tony grins back. "That's extortion. That's a word." He says while picking her up, not noticing I was a few steps up. "What kind do you want? Great minds think alike."

"Juice pops was exactly, what was on my mind." He says as he glances at the diagram.

Before I stand up, I hear Morgan ask a question. "What was kaycee crying before?" She asks and I hear tony sigh. "I said no to something, when I should've said yes." I hear him reply. "What did you say no to?" She asks and it's silent for a while, only hearing the faint noise of the freezer door and a wrapper being torn.

"It doesn't matter now." He says as I stand up. "Why?" Morgan asks as I start to walk away. But I hear tony mutter a last sentence before I close my bedroom door.

"Because I changed my mind."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been so busy and literally don't have time.

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