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"Amanda wake up honey, the girls are here to finalise that project you guys have." I yawn, peaking a bleary brown eye open.

"What time is it?" I ask, sitting up and leaning on my pillows.

"It's 12 PM, so get ready and I'll send your friends up." She gets up to leave only stopping at the door. "Don't forget your cousin is coming this evening." Right, definitely forgot about that.

I exit the shower, finding my bed already made and the girls flopped on the bed with books spread. "Hey, guys." I drag my bag to my desktop, sitting down on the chair I unload my books on the table and continue from where I left off.

"You know you have to give us a valuable reason for canceling our session yesterday."

"I was tired and I needed rest."

"Just that?" You guys are so nosy.

"I hanged out with Austin."

They squeal, "What did you guys do?"

"Nothing, we just hanged out," I responded flatly, ready to drop the Austin subject.

Its not really a lie, we did hang out, I'm just choosing to leave out a few details.

"That's nothing exciting." Its not that I don't trust my friends - I do. My friends are so opinionated that I don't need them screaming down my ears about I shouldn't have gone along or I should have.

We continue working on our sections silently only speaking when we bringing the sections together into one assignment and preparing for oral presentation.

By 3 PM the girls are packing up their books. "Oh, you girls are already finished?" My mom asks, standing at my bedroom door.

"Yep," I say popping the p. "We done and dusted." I walk them to the front door. "I'll practice on my oral section and you guys do the same." After getting their responses I shut the door.

I deeply sigh, now what to do.

I go back up to my bedroom, flipping on the bed I take out my phone and start texting Austin.


We still on today?

Hot stuff:

Sorry I have to cancel today. My dad called and we going to the licensing department.

Licencing department?


It's okay. Do what you have to do.

I guess I could take a nap then.


I wake up completely disorientated.

"Finally, you're awake." I jump, finding Maggie propped up in bed beside me.

"How long have you been here?" I ask, trying to find my phone.

"Well, it's currently 7 in the evening so 2 and a half hours, maybe 3 hours ago. You snore by the way." I finally notice she is wearing a top of mine that I borrowed her from the pervious visit and her hair was still somehow decent looking. Lucky brat.

I yawn and try to rearrange myself on the bed. "I've missed you so much Amanda and the only updates I get from you is over the phone but now I here tell me about this Austin of yours?"

I shrug, "He's okay, he's a good guy."

Wow, what a way to describe your boyfriend.

"You missing that spark you always have over texts when talking about him so tell me what happened."

At first I hesitate, but I go through the details of yesterday, Maggie silently listening with a neutral expression on her face. Once I finish the story I show her my hidden hickey.

She's quiet for a while as if not sure whether to say something or not. "I'm going to be honest with you: I don't like him."

I ridiculously stare at her, "You've never met him." I state.

"I don't need to. It's just a gut feeling you know, there's something off with him."

"Don't rub your insecurities from your previous relationships on me."

"It's not and you not as well, you just not admitting it yet but you will when you feel ready." She says, looking me straight in the eyes. "Listen I'm going to tell you about my ex-boyfriend, Jack."

I roll my eyes, how generous of her to teach me about relationship life.

"That bastard." She starts. "I was in 11th grade when he approached me, him 22, it was in the afternoon and I was walking alone on the day. He said sweet things, smooth-talked me, he was funny, a body of perfection since he played soccer and his personality was a cherry on top. He was my person. For years we dated but then I found out he was cheating on his girlfriend with me. For 3 years." Ouch. "Stayed with him though, he continued to cheat and I stayed with him. He just had a way with his words and he kept manipulating me, I should have listened to my guts." She's quiet, deep in memory lane. "And here I am 5 years later." I think someone is still hooked on someone.

"Austin is not cheating on me!" I state. "He wouldn't do that to me, he loves me!"

"They all say that but he's manipulating you! And trust me, now that you didn't have sex with him he will ignore and once you go back to school you guys won't have time to spend together because you are starting to write in 2 weeks the schools have opened? And he starts a week earlier?" I hop out of the bed, fed up with this conversation. "He wanted one thing and you denied him."

"He wouldn't do that to me."

"I'm just looking out for you, Amanda. I see a younger version of me in you and I don't want you going the same route as I did with Jack."

"No, don't do that! I believe that Austin and I will make it and maybe, possibly even continue dating even when he left to go to university."

"Do you really believe that?" She stands up and leaves my room, leaving me alone in my thoughts.


What do you guys think? Do you think Maggie is right or not. And do you believe that Austin had to go with his dad or is it a lie?

Hope you guys liked the chapter!


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