7-Two Classes

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Lin: ik ik *sends me his schedule*

Lin: Send yours

Me: I'm good :D

Lin: What's so bad about it...


Late July-Early August

The rest of the summer passed slowly. Allie and I went to McDonald's for my birthday (technically Orange Leaf and then McDonald's), and we had a good time talking about how crushes absolutely sucked. We talked about Bob and how it seemed like he was never going to come back, but just in case he did finally come back, we also discussed how to break up. I don't think we ever came up with an efficient method but we had a fun time.

My family and I also traveled a lot during this time which meant Lin and I started talking less. Sometimes I wondered if I didn't mean that much to him and it was all just me trying to become better friends with him. As much as I tried to not let that bring me down, it crushed me to think about it.

The last few weeks of summer passed peacefully. There would be days when I didn't talk to Lin and days we had short conversations. We definitely spoke less but that was okay.

When schedules for the new school year came, I was disappointed to see we only had 2 classes together: statistics and physics. On the other hand, I realized I had 2 classes with Bob too: English (my favorite class) and physics.

Well, this totally isn't going to be awkward.

Unlike all the other people in the world, I enjoy school quite a lot. I always looked forward to the start of school as a blank canvas, ready for me to paint some new starts on. I can't say that I feel the same by the end of the year...

My second class was English and Bob sat an aisle across from me.

I had this urge to strangle him for all of class, but I liked my new teacher a lot because he was so chill and nice, so I refrained from doing anything violent that day.

Luckily, my next class was with Lin—except we had assigned seats. He was about...3 or 4 seat units away from me, looking a bit uncomfortable since no one he knew was next to him. I hoped that the teacher would change seats very soon so that I could ask him to sit with me (making up a good excuse for that request as well of course).

And then was physics! I had done some research because the teacher was new, but it seemed like I had nothing to worry about. Mr. G (for abbreviation :)) had been teaching for many years already and even got some sort of teacher award! If that wasn't qualified, I didn't know what was.

Classes were fine and all for the first couple of days as the two of us spoke casually to each other. I also donated my apples to him since he had this crazy obsession with apples (I even bought green ones because he said he liked those the best). I really really liked him.

At the same time, September 20 was approaching.

When I finally asked him about the promise that we had made, his response...honestly kind of made me sad and angry at the same time.

He said he wasn't comfortable with telling me and hoped I would understand that and respect his privacy. He also asked that I stopped prying about stuff he didn't want to talk about and I should learn to give him some space.

So yes, I was crushed.

Like all crushes end.

So I tried my best to get over it. For good this time.

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