✔Chapter fucking one: Entertain me

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My father finally came to pick me up from the school, the teacher having stayed until they were certain I was actually leaving. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder, mindful of the light bruises that littered my arms and back. Dad honked the car and leaned his head out of the window, smiling a toothy grin as I made my way to the car. His cheerful expression dropped when he got a good look at my face, (E/C) eyes filling with concern over the seen injuries. God forbid he see the ones covered by the sleeves and pants.

"(Y/N), what happened?" My dad stepped from his car and knelt down, hand cupping my cheek as his thumb brushed over the bruise on my lip. The three hands behind him were raised to attention, one moving a strand of hair from my face, another dusting off dirt from my outfit, and the third laying idly on his shoulder. I gave a large smile and a thumbs up, fixing my bag before it could fall from my shoulder. The strap lay over one of the bigger purple marks that were scattered over my skin, a wince making my stance falter and new tears spring in my eyes.

He picked me up and stuck me in the passenger seat, taking my backpack and setting it on the floor behind it. The key was already in the ignition and the engine was revved up, so he buckled me in and shook his head. I played with the ends of my school shirt and chewed on my lip, eyes traveling to my dad in the driver's seat. He had left the parking lot and was on the road already, brows furrowed and hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. My mouth opened to say something, an apology or idea, but it closed when he sighed and turned on the radio to drown out the silence.


The next morning was no better than the ending of yesterday. I was tired, sore, and didn't really feel like talking to Bakugo or his friends. Mom was still at work, from what Dad said, and wouldn't be back for a while. He didn't know how long but told me that he would be taking me to and from school for a bit. That was upsetting since he wasn't a good driver. I liked it better when mom drove.

Dad drove a little over the speed limit since he woke up late and didn't want his boss to be mad if he came into work late. I grabbed my bag and waved him bye, not earning one back as he pulled from the school's parking lot and drove away. My shoes padded lightly on the concrete, having to turn my head every few seconds to make sure I wouldn't get run over by a car. Those are very dangerous, by the way. Mom says that most people driving them are stupid and get into accidents, either killing themselves, others, or both.

I sat on the steps with my head in my hands, waiting for a teacher to come and unlock the school building. One eventually came, eyeing me as they walked past with a look of mellow disgust. My shoulders hunched at their gaze, (E/C) irises narrowing at the adult. They briskly made their way to the doors, jabbing their keys into it and holding it open. I jumped up and fixed the strap on my book bag, bounding my way to the school's entrance and stepping inside.

Maybe today would be just as entertaining as yesterday.

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