✔Chapter fucking eleven: Finally, Some Fucking Help

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You opened your eyes, moonlight peeking over the buildings of the alley. Why were you outside? Someone was watching you. You could feel it. Where was Shoto? Was All Might still looking for you? He was... All Might was being a douche again, and hopefully he was gone. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, looking around to see if Midoriya or the scarred man were there. You weren't met with either, as you realized Shoto was laying his head on your shoulder. And the reason you were so cold was that there was a thin layer of frost the left side of your body. Shoto's quirk was still activated... Poor thing was probably freezing. If you were frosted, he was probably even colder. Obviously.

You smiled softly, his kindness unparalleled. That's what you thought, anyways. You blinked and brushed off some of the frost, laying his head against the brick your backs were on. The two of you had fallen asleep. How were you just now coming to this conclusion? Oh well. You looked to your phone for the time, sighing as 2:58 shone on your face. Early. You had to get back soon, and it took an unreasonable amount of time to get there from the beach area. Damn. Your arm hurt. It felt like it was throbbing, painfully trying to heal. 

There was something strewn across the both of you, a jacket. An All Might jacket, to be precise. You threw it off of you, cringing. It landed in a puddle, splashing and soaking in the gross street water. You offhandedly made a comment on how it should be destroyed. It was a disgusting piece of clothing, even if it was limited edition. Your (E/C) eyes traveled the alley again after footsteps tapped lightly at the end. Only a few, as if someone jumped onto the ground...

"Get up, Shoto." Had you noticed the man at first, you wouldn't have been surprised. It was an alley way and people were sure to be there, loud and possibly drunk. But no, you hadn't cared to fully take in your surroundings. A mistake, really. You tried to play it off and wake up Shoto again, and again it failed. Had it gotten too cold for him? No, that's stupid. He can handle the cold. It's half of his fucking quirk, after all. You tried to get him up again. You didn't like how the man just watched, observed. "C'mon, we have to go."

"You two villains? Tryna' make it out here?" His voice was rough, but calm. You didn't like it. It held no distinguishable emotion behind it, other than a knowing tone. The man stepped closer, a red glow coming from his eyes. He looked like he could be a creature from a nightmare, something a child would see under their bed. You hated it, and scooted further away from him. Your hand outstretched to cover Shoto. You didn't want him to get hurt. "Just don't resist arrest and we can make this easy, kay? I'm tired."

Arrest? That... didn't sound too bad, actually. Better than what Endeavour could do. But, no, that would be bad. If Enji did find out... You tried to get one of your dark hands out, but felt a collapsing emptiness when you did. Where the fuck was your quirk. Okay, this is fine, you've trained without your quirk before. You know how to handle this. Possibly. "I, uh, don't know who you think we are, but we aren't villains? I'm (L/N), and this is Todoroki, Endeavour's son. We need to get back to the abode... Wake up, dammit!"

There was nothing else said, and you had almost thought the man had left. But those glowing red eyes were still there, and something was heading your way. Soon enough, and to your disappointment, you were fucking bound up in something. Now you knew who the fuck this man was. A God damned hero, EraserHead. Like, what the fuck? Wasn't he supposed to be, you know, rational???

"You're EraserHead, right? Of course you are, uh, stop being irrational." You shimmied in the scarf, just wanting to not get in trouble by some raggedy ass hero bitch. By one you thought was better, nonetheless. You fucking thought he was better... Another mistake, sadly. A light was shone in your face, a flashlight suddenly in his hands. Your (E/C) eyes diluted and you tilted your head away, breath quickening. People jumped to conclusions way too quickly.

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