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      It's Friday night and I'm sitting up on my couch in the living room while switching between apps on my phone. The TV is on in the background so I can feel less alone. My dog, Bella sleeps near the couch on her pillow. I listen to the sound of the rain hitting my windows feeling relaxed.

    My phone begins to vibrate and I see that it is an unknown number calling. I look at the time and see that it's 3:45am.

    "It better be God callin' me! You know what time it is!?"

    Carelessly I toss my phone to the other side of the couch and bury myself more into my comfy blankets. I'm home alone and receiving a call from the unknown? Hell no, I will not answer it and I won't even try to please my curiosity either.

    I look over at Bella and see her ears perking up.

    "What's the matter, love?"

    She quickly runs down the hallway to the door and when she does a white envelope slips underneath.  I get up from my comfy fortress mad that now all the built-up warmth is gone from my body. I go over to the door and bend down picking it up.

    I think about throwing it in the trash.  Nah. I'm too paranoid to let something like this go.  I open it and see a note with very neat handwriting. Hmph, not as neat as mine though.

"You're extremely beautiful on nights like these. I wish I could hold you but our time will come soon."

    Seeing a bulge at the bottom of the envelope I open it wide seeing a tiny red rose. I quickly look back at my window and sliding glass door in the kitchen and see nothing in the backyard but trees, darkness and what seems to be endless rain.

    "This is really fucked up." I shiver thinking about how someone could've been standing outside my half-drawn window.

    I hear the vibration coming from my phone again. This time it's my best friend, Jacob. Quickly picking it up from the couch, I answer it.   "I think someone is outside my apartment."

    He yawns into the phone and I'm glad I can't smell his breath, "Are you sure?"

    "Yea, I mean if you count an envelope with a creepy note inside being slipped underneath my door!"

    "Is Reggie there with you?" he asks.

    Going towards the door where the staircase is I yell her name not knowing whether or not if she came home tonight.  No answer came. She's probably out partying.

    "That's ok.  If whoever left it has been watching me long enough they'll know not to fuckin' try me." Glancing over at Bella I see she's back on her pillow sleeping soundly.

    Jacob chuckles, "You should call the police. I'll come by in the morning and make sure you're still alive."

    I purse my lips together. "Bye Jacob."

    Hanging up the phone I look around. This person has to be stupid if they don't think I got a glock 19 waiting for that ass.

    Tying up my Nikes and pulling up my short, black hair into a bun, I take my hooded jacket off the hook and go out the front.

    "If you really wanted a taste you would have the balls to come out where I can see you pussy!"

    Sauntering down my driveway towards the sidewalk I keep my eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

    The rain begins to wet my sweatpants as I continue to walk around the area of my apartment clutching my gun.

    When I think that everything's ok I jog back inside feeling a little safer. Whoever this is definitely doesn't want to be seen.

    Listening to the heavy pitter-patter of the rain outside, I kiss Bella good night and close my eyes.

    A memory of a difficult time plays across my eyelids.

    Could it really be him?

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