Chapter 3

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As I go back to my station and wait for my client to arrive in another hour. I figure I better make that call.

Dialing her number and waiting for a few seconds it takes no time for her to pick up.

"Vi? Is that you?" Hearing her voice again makes me want to puke from being so nervous.

"Yes. It's me. How have you been doing? I know I haven't seen or talked to you in a minute."

"Well, baby it's been a difficult few years not that you would you know anyway. I mean you left Shawn when he needed you the most. So you wouldn't understand." I could sense the amount of irritation in her voice.

I swear I wanted to hang up just then.

This lady is fucking crazy. How could she forget her son almost killed me!

I struggled to not express my emotions at that moment and continued to talk calmly.

"Shawn. How is he doing?"


"Yes? Is there something wrong?"

"Shawn...he killed himself a year after what happened."


He...killed himself.

After I said my condolences and hung up the phone I sat there in shock. Completely confused and afraid at the same time.

He's dead?

Why hadn't anyone ever told me?

I remember my Dad showing up to the bridge with the police and almost tearing Shawn's head off in a rage. Then I understood exactly why my parents hadn't told me. They were trying to protect me.

A tear ran down the side of my face. I didn't bother to wipe it off.

Just then I hear the other artists chattering in the lobby about something.

I walk out and see a big bouquet of beautiful, bright yellow sunflowers bigger than Eli's head. I notice a notecard attached to one of the stems.

"Well someone's got an admirer." Kita, one of them says.

Eli springs up and browses it with a little jealousy on his face.

I hastily yank the card away from the stem hoping everyone minded their own and didn't read it. While scanning it I recognize the same handwriting from the note before.

He never deserved you. And now he never will. Lucky me.


Should I go to the police?

What the fuck can they do with sunflowers and neat handwriting?

I'm in my head more than I should be nowadays. It's just weird knowing someone is always watching you. Tracking your every step.

I decided if there are fingermarks on the envelope the cops should be able to trace it right?

After leaving the shop. I jump into my car and drive to the police station nearest to my apartment. No way I'm not gonna give it a shot. Hopefully, this bitch isn't smart but then again he may be.

I go in to the bustling station heading to the front desk and try to find anyone who doesn't look like they hate their lives.

After being told to wait for someone who helps with these cases. I stand for a few minutes surveying the place.

"Can I help you with something miss?"

I turn to look over at an officer leaning by the desk. He was a studly, six-foot-tall man with beige skin and kind eyes.

Suddenly I forgot what the hell I was doing here for some reason.

"Uhm...Yea! I need to make a report about a stalker." I fidgeted with my jacket as I fell under the gaze of the officer.

"Ok miss, follow me to my desk so you can tell me all about it." He gestures for me to follow him and walks away.

I couldn't help but look at his gait as he leads me to his surprisingly organized desk despite all the activity going on upfront.

Whipping out a notebook and shiny pen, Officer Artem looks at me, "So, start from the beginning for me please...miss?"

"Name is Violet Slater."

"Oh, that's my favorite kind of flower." Artem smiles brightly.

I crease my brow,  "I thought most guys didn't admit they have a favorite flower."

He shrugs,  "Welp, I'm not like most guys."

"Hmm...well, it all started Friday night. I was home alone. My dog suddenly ran to the door and when I got there I saw an envelope that had a note inside. Here it is."

I handed him the envelope using the sleeve on my jacket trying not to add any more finger marks. Artem took heed and put on plastic gloves from his desk drawer.

Taking it into his gloved hands he opened it and scanned it.

"Just today he left a giant bouquet filled with sunflowers and another note at my job not too far from here."

Nodding he wrote a few notes down. I handed him the second note and he took a look at it.

"You say he. Do you know who it could be?"

"I thought it was my ex...but he's dead. Now I don't know at all. What he feels like he knows me."

"With what I have from you today we can see if it's possible to pick up a few marks.  I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Thank you.  That's what I was hoping for." Relieved, I take a breath.

"But I still want you to contact me about any new findings or if something comes up.  He's out there and he may be dangerous.  This is my card."  Artem stands up and we shake hands.

"I'll be in contact. This stuff doesn't take much time. Be safe out there." He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you again for your help, Officer Artem."

"You can call me Leon."  He gathers the baggie with the notes and heads toward a room close by.

This shit better work.

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