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Two months go by and in that time there has been no sign of me being watched. There just has been complete silence from whatever evil lays out there.

I've taken the time to learn more about myself and what I really want from this world. Not letting fear hold me from continuing to live my life.

These months have been wonderfully spent with the comfort of Leon and he's shown me an abundance of love and care. Something that I miss dearly from seeing Bella every day.

The shop welcomed me back with a mess of appointments from people all over town. It's been pretty busy for everyone there and busy is good.

One of my favorite coworkers, Ricki became the manager. Of course, Eli didn't want to come back because of the awkwardness and restraining order against him. I hear he's at a shop in Minneapolis.

Everything's been going well except the fact that I haven't heard from Jacob ever since the hospital. I didn't know he would completely disappear on us like this.

I hop out of my bed and go across the hall to Reggie's room. She's sleeping soundly and snoring as always.

I pick up a pillow off the small futon in her room and hit her with it.  "Wake up sleepyhead let's get coffee!" She groans and I leave to let her get dressed.

After awhile we finally make it there. She sits at our special table and I order our favorite drinks which is a honey bee latte and salted caramel mocha latte.

"Here you are, my love." I say as I gently set down the drinks and jump into my seat.

"You're awfully happy this morning...I'm usually the one waking you up." She looks at me with raised brows.

"It's been a good few months. I don't feel like I have to keep watching my back nonstop." Taking a sip of my drink I pull back in pain after burning my tongue.

Reggie laughs at me and I glare at her.  "You do this all the time. Let it cool down first!"

I pat my tongue with a napkin like that'll do anything.  "Anyways like I was saying. It's been good with Leon and everything but it's empty without Jacob. We don't have our trio and I feel bad that I haven't reached out to him."

Reggie nods her head in understanding. "I miss him too. He's like my brother and you can't let years break away like that. It has to be resolved."

I take what she says into consideration and we finish our coffee talking about other things in our life.

Later on, I get up the courage to set things right and make the call.

When he doesn't answer after three calls I leave a voice message.

"Hey Jacob it's Friday night and I was thinking about how much I miss our traditional movie nights. You always have the best taste...look I um...I know that the last time we talked it didn't end well. I want you to know that I'm more than ok with remaining best friends. I'm not going to beat around the bush. Me and Regina miss you like a lot. I don't want to jeopardize the bond that we all have. You've been more than a friend to me. You've been an angel, a brother, and a sarcastic asshole but you've had my back always. We're a family and I want you to be back apart of it. If you don't feel the same that's ok I totally understand but we love you and I hope I hear from you soon."

I hang up not knowing whether or not I did a good enough job of expressing my thoughts I just pray he answers back.


Once the morning comes I get up, brush my teeth and take a shower. I pull a sweatshirt over my body and put on a pair of skinny jeans.

I notice Regina is snoozing and decide to let her sleep in. Going downstairs I already see the sunlight peeking through the trees outside.

Checking my phone I notice a missed call from Jacob and the next thing I know I hear a knock at the door.

Opening it up Jacob's there with his dimpled smile and a big sunflower in hand.  I happily tell him to come in excited to have my best friend back.

We sit at the table and are met with an awkward silence.

Jacob speaks up first.  "I'm sorry that I struck our friendship with something so stupid. I should've known you wouldn't feel the same. It was just me being selfish...caring about my own feelings." His eyes plead for forgiveness and I accept.

"It's not your fault Jacob. We can't control what the heart wants. That's behind us now. I just want to get things back to normal." As I look at him he nods.

It falls silent and then Jacob pipes up.  "So, How's everything been going these past few months. Can't lie I did miss our movie nights too."

I feel flattered that he listened to my message all the way through and didn't just skip it. "Everything's been cool. I haven't been feeling so paranoid. Things have been going good." I avoid mentioning Leon 'cause I'm sure Jacob doesn't want to hear that shit.

He suddenly stands up.  "We should go to this new restaurant I passed on my way over here. They let you watch the old black and white movies on a projector! I know you'll love it."

I think about it for a second.  "Hell yeah! Let's go! I can't wait!"

We leave out and I get in the passenger side of his car. He puts it in gear and starts driving away from the curb.

It's been about an hour since we left the apartment and we're still driving on the road passing one restaurant after the next. I look over to Jacob who's concentrated on the road with an unreadable face.

"How far away is this place. It must be really new." He looks over at me and then back at the road. "It's been about an hour now."

I don't want to press him about it because he may want it to be a surprise or something so I just wait.

Dozing off a little the road gets gravelly and we pull in front of an isolated, aged, grey house somewhere here in town.

Looking at Jacob I feel myself getting nervous now.  "Flat tire? Low on gas?"

I unbuckle my seat belt waiting for his answer.

Then he quickly whacks something cold and solid against my head knocking me out.

Nice To Meet You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now