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A hand slaps my face and I open my eyes to see a bright yellow light.

Please don't let it be my time yet.

What the fuck is going on?

I quickly look at my surroundings. My eyes land on a wall with images of me...changing naked in my room and they look awfully fucking close.

Moving my head and searching around some more I see another group of pictures. This time they look like they've been taken years ago when I had a different hair color.

I survey the area further then my eyes land on a sex doll that looks like me and it has my clothes on.

My body retches and I puke all over the place surrounding the chair I'm tied to.

No this can't be real.

Jacob is not this. Why is this happening?

He comes into view and pulls out a handkerchief from his leather jacket pocket and wipes my mouth.  "Ten years. Look what the fuck that brought us." He slaps me once more this time leaving a sting in my face.

I plead with him. "Jacob please you don't have to do this. You can let me go, please!!"

He shakes his head and gives me a disappointed glare.  "You're so fucking stupid Violet. We could've had it all. I gave you friendship and love....what do you give me! Not a damb thing!"

He comes close and bends down so we're eye to eye. I see tears welling up in his.

"Jacob we can still have all that...if you- if you just let me go we can go back to normal again, please. We can-"

He grips my face harshly.  "Stop begging Violet you sound so pathetic...What is normal? Huh? What's normal?" He walks away toward the group of pictures on the wall.

"Is it normal to see the girl you care for fall so quickly in love with someone else..." he caresses one of the naked pictures, takes if off the wall and licks it.

"I left Chicago for you. I wanted to be the one you loved. But you couldn't take a fucking hint!"

His face turns dark as he tears it into pieces and sets it on fire in a garbage bin.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Jacob. You're better than this!"

    I shake in my chair out of frustration then notice my hands, feet, and torso are tied with thick rope. The same rope I saw around the neck of Bella.

"Why'd you do it, Jacob? Why did you have to kill her!" Tears stream down my cheeks as I remember the first time I got her from the pet adoption center.

"I had to make you pay Vi. You had to know how I felt- he shrugs- and now you do."

He walks up and punches me. Leaving me unconscious yet again.


The feeling of a knife digging into my skin wakes me up with a jolt. I look down and watch crimson blood dripping from my upper arm.

I notice my sweatshirt has been cut off but I still have my bra on.

"That was a nice tattoo you gave him. I guess after we're done here you'll have ones of you're own in a way." Jacob does a deep laugh. "Oh, I crack myself up sometimes..."

I writhe in pain as he slices the knife into my abdomen and moves it down to my navel. It hurts more to keep moving so I stay still and take it. Crying out in agony.

"I honestly thought you would have figured me out by now. A broken heart can cause a lot of pain. A lot of chaos." He draws his arms back and stabs me next to my bellow button and I scream in incredible pain as he twists the knife then takes it out.

"You know who was really in your room that night? It was me...I opened the window, moved the bed around. All staged. Smart right?"

He walks around me as I try to focus on my breathing. The feeling of blood dripping out of me and a slight throbbing began to cause me discomfort. My body leans to the right aching.

I stay quiet and listen to his bullshit monologue, praying that Leon or someone finds me before I possibly die here.

"Where did- it all go wrong Jacob? When did you begin- to feel this way?" He stops walking and steps back in front of me.

"Don't you get it, Violet? I've always. Felt. This way. Ever since fifth grade... I think you always knew we were gonna be "just friends" and I couldn't take that. I wanted to be a gentleman I did but you were a filthy whore... occupying yourself with douchebags who could never do what I could for you. Love you."

He leaves to a part of the building I can't see and comes back with a camera.  "I sent you love letters. Notes. Whatever you want to call them. And you want to call me a creep?"

"You're fucking delusional! Fuck you!" I feel the strain in my dry throat.

     Jacob squats in front of me and takes a few pictures.

"You were always attracted to psychos, right? You had Shawn..."

My vision gets blurry and I fall out of consciousness.

A few moments later I wake back up and smell something burning.  My vision is blurry but I see fire crawling across the walls in this broken down place.

I don't have much time left.

Leon. Please.

Suddenly I'm enraged. "Leon will find me you bastard! You'll pay for this whether I fucking die here or not!" I use what's left of my strength to try and wiggle free and that doesn't do shit of course.

Blood starts dripping down my face and I realize Jacob cut me from behind. He steps in front of me and I see nothing but the devil in his eyes.

"Fuck. Leon." He punches me in the jaw and I take it. I wish I wasn't bound or else I wouldn't be the one so fucked up.

He bends down again and I spit in his face leaving gooey red on his nose and lips.

To my surprise, the fucker wipes it off with his hand and licks it clean making me want to barf out the rest of my insides.

"Just remember Violet. This all didn't have to happen if it wasn't for you. Think about that."

I try to look past him as I see a figure come in through the back part of the house and walk slowly behind him.


He has his finger in front of his mouth and when I notice I look at Jacob instead.  "You know you can let me go, Jacob, and move on. You don't have to do this!"

He bursts out laughing, "Nah I think you're fucking dead."

He then points a pistol at my head.

"No, you're fuckin' dead." Leon raises his gun up pointing at the back of Jacob's head.

Jacob moves fast and stands behind me jamming the pistol into the temple of my skull. "Too bad she's leaving with me."

He raises the pistol and fires hitting Leon in the shoulder.

The next bullet that flies is in Jacob's head and he goes down.

As I sit there I can't help but cry happy tears. Leon rushes over to me and uses the knife to untie me pulling me into his arms.

"I thought I was gonna lose you. I thought I was gonna lose you." He caresses my hair slowly as I hear sirens coming from outside.

The tears well up in my eyes and Leon carries me to safety where I can see the light of a thousand stars.

Nice To Meet You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now