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A year later

After packing up the last box from my room I head downstairs to put it in the trunk of my car.

When I go back inside Reggie is standing by the staircase looking up at my room. "I'm gonna miss you kid."  She punches my shoulder and hugs me tightly.

Pulling back I wipe the tears from her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, girl. I'm in the next city over you can visit whenever you want."

"Of course I'll visit but I want you guys to break in your new living arrangements. If ya know what I mean."  She laughs and helps me carry out the rest of my stuff.

Leon comes in from the garage and kisses me on my forehead. "All set?"

I nod and he closes the trunk.  He starts up the car while I say my goodbyes to Reggie. "Storm and you are so cute together. It's right on time that I'm leaving, now you got the place to yourselves."

I grab her arms and swing them side to side while wiggling my eyebrows.  She throws her head back and laughs with me. "Well, I gotta go...I love you!"

She stands at the garage door and watches me get into the car. "Call me lots and don't forget about me!"  I turn around in my seat and wave as we drive off.

We get further down the road and Leon kisses my hand, "Did I say I love you today?"

I giggle. "Only a thousand times officer."

"And a thousand times more, Violet the flower."

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