Chapter 6

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     Sunday I head into work @10am to start up tattoo designs for my clients of the week.

    I notice only a few people and head over to my workspace to begin sketching.  Moments later Eli calls my name and I look up taking my headphones off.

    "Hey there. It's just me your supposed friend who you barely talk to anymore."  Eli shoves his hands into his pockets seemingly a little annoyed.

    "E you know I love you. It's just that I have a lot going on right now that I don't want to talk about."  I try not to sound like a total asshole cause I know he just wants to know what's up.

    "I understand. I've just been wanting to ask you something but you're always so-"

    I look behind him and see Leon walk up and stand against the wall.

    "Can you excuse us for a moment?" Standing up I move past Eli to greet him.

    Eli leaves out of the area towards the front and whispers, "fucking hate cops" under his breath.

    Leon smirks and shrugs his broad shoulders.

    "I wanted to come by and see how you were doing Miss Violet."  He folds his muscular arms in front of him and looks around the bright white shop.

    "That's nice. What you did the other night. You didn't have to. I was fine." I look down at the eraser bits on my big thighs and wipe them off.

    "I know you could barely stand. I didn't want you bruising yourself on my watch."  He looks over at me as I continue sketching a dragon for my next client.

    He points and steps forward. "Can I see that?"

    I pass him the sketchbook and he studies it carefully.

    "You're really fucking good...tatt it on me." He hands the book back and my eyes widen.

    "You...want me. To give you. A tattoo?"

    "Hell yea, I'm down for anything you want to give me. Your choice."  His whole face lit up.

    I look up at the time and see that it's at least three hours before my first appointment of the day.

    I bite my lip in excitement. "Ok. Shit. Let's do it. You say anything I choose?"

   While looking directly at my lips in a trance he says, "Anything."

    Two hours go by and I finally finish.  I clean it up for him and apply ointment to his upper arm so I can get a good picture.

    "You take good ink. Most of the guys I tattoo squirm around."  I take the picture and see his eyes brighten as he looks in the mirror by my chair.

    "A'd you know that's my favorite animal?"  He turned to me beaming with admiration.

    I grabbed his arm and applied the bandage. "I didn't. It's actually my favorite as well."

    "Well, maybe I should be your personal billboard for now on huh?"  Leon then gently pushes down his sleeve and steps closer to me.

    "I'd enjoy that."  We get closer and he presses his lips against mine.

    For a moment all the stalker bullshit went away and I was flooded with thoughts of how good Leon's lips felt against mine.

    He gripped by hips tightly as things began to get more intense.

    "You've got mail!"  Kita suddenly walks in and her face blushes. "Oh! I'm sorry I-" she sets down a white envelope and rushes out.

    We break away from each other embarrassed like little kids. "I will see you again soon?" Leon asks sheepishly smiling and half way out the room.

    "Yea. Yea. I'll see you."  I wave him goodbye and he leaves me be.

    Looking down I see the white envelope that looks exactly the same as the one before.


    What is this?

    I open it up and see developed photos from the club on Friday night.  They were of Leon with me talking at the bar and Reggie's friends and I dancing with guys they met.

    Turning the photos over I feel like throwing up.  On the back of them, they say "YOU SELFISH WHORE" over and over again in red writing.

    Suddenly this feels like too much.  My knees weaken and I fall to the floor.


    My eyes open and I look around a white hospital room.  I feel something squeeze my hand then I look over and see Jacob.

    He smiles at me. "Finally you wake up. I've been sitting here all day."

    "Why am I here."  I sit up in the bed trying not to rip out my IV.

    While a nurse comes in and checks everything I ask her what happened.

    "They say you fell out and hit your head. You came in a little dehydrated but you're all good and healthy now."

    I piped up. "So I'm good to go?"

    She waves her hand and says, "Yes miss let me just get you discharged and print some papers."

    She leaves and Jacob and I look at each other.

    "I'm sorry I haven't been around that much. I've just been distracted lately. You know?"

    "You're here now that's all that matters."  I squeeze his hand to console him.

    "Reggie was worried as hell. She's waiting at home with a guy named Leon?"  He raises a brow.

    "Uhm he's an officer I've been talking to about what's going on." Jacob shakes his head.

    "You don't have to lie to me. We're too close for that."

    "What do you mean. I'm not lying."  Jacob reaches over and brushes my hair out of my face.

    "I mean that I have feelings for you."  I lean back away from his hand confused.

    What the hell is he saying and why now?

    "Jacob you know I don't-"  The nurse comes back in and says I'm set to go and leaves.

    Jacob's jaw tightened as he stood up and begins to take off. "Let's get you home. I'll be outside waiting."

    The car ride back to my apartment was the most silent it's ever been between me and him. I just hope he can put this behind him so we can continue as best friends.

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