Chapter 5

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Friday the 13th, why watch out for bad luck when I already have it.

On this cool September night in order to cheer me up, Reggie pulled me out of the house to go to the club with her and her two close friends from work.

The music is booming in my ears. She wasn't lying about the new DJ. He's dope.

All night Reggie has the bartender sliding me drink after drink and I pound them straight. I would like nothing but to get the thought of someone watching my every move out of my mind.

"Damn girl! No chaser?" She laughs and pats my back as I let out a few coughs.

"You know me." My lips curl up into a little smile and I continue to move my body to the beat as the warmth engulfs me.

Both of her friends, Storm and Quincy pull me out to the dancefloor. We end up dancing to a number of songs before I decide to go for another shot at the bar.

I push my way through sweaty, dancing bodies and finally make it there. Ordering another shot there's a tap on my back.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Leon Artem looks me up and down after I turn to look in his direction.

Suddenly this black sequined dress feels tighter than it did before.

I throw my hands up.  "Well, a lot of unexpected things are happening these days. Having a great night so far officer?"

He takes a sip of the drink in his hands and doesn't break my eye contact.  "You look good. I know it's kind of awkward seeing me here."

"Not awkward at all. I'm actually glad you're here. Want a shot?"

We toss the shots back on three and I get the urge to use the bathroom.  "Hold on I'll be back. I have to use the ladies room!" I try to run as fast as I could in my stilettos so I don't piss myself.

Going into a stall I don't even care to look around. I promptly lay down toilet paper on the seat, then sit and start peeing.

Minutes later as I wipe and begin to stand, someone bursts into the bathroom and walks around.

Whoever it is doesn't say a thing. No words at all.

That's odd. Probably too slapped to talk.

That thought is changed when the person's steps end in front of my stall with large black men's boots.

The stall begins to shake back and forth aggressively. I look up and see his black-gloved hands gripping the top.

My heart starts beating fast.

Who the fuck is this?

Getting up my courage, I yell and tell the guy to get the fuck out or I'll scream.

In a quick motion, a disturbing white-mask appears in the crack of the stall. I use my strength to unlock it busting the fuck out of there as fast as I can before he could grab me.

I rush to the dance floor to find Reggie but see one of her friends instead.

"Where's Reggie? It's an emergency!"

Quincy stops dancing and glances at me then start to look around.

"There she is! She's with Storm at the bar!"

She sees me coming and meets me halfway.

"The fucking stalker was just in the bathroom! I gotta go!"

With a scared expression on her face, she says, "Come on. I can't let you go home alone. I'll tell the girls. Then we'll leave. Okay?"

After waiting a few minutes outside the club, Leon rushes out looking for me.

"Are you okay? I saw you were in distress I just couldn't make it to you in time."

"No. He was here. In the bathroom." I folded my arms trying to keep warm shivering at the thought of that mask.

"I promise I'll do all I can to catch this fucker. He's most likely long gone now. Here, take my jacket you're trembling." He covers me up and the feeling of warmth starts to come back.

"Thanks. It seems like my life will never get back to normal again." My voice quivers and I stare down at my feet with tears in my eyes, Leon lifts my chin up to look at his green light ones.

"I'm not gonna let him put you in a box. This is your life. Not his." He softly wipes away a tear rolling down my face.  "I'll take you home. Reggie will be there soon. I took care of it."

He drives me home and I get lost in my thoughts again soon drifting off to a drunken sleep. Next thing I know I'm being carried to the door.  I hear Reggie's voice and her telling Leon to lay me on the sofa. Then the door closing behind him. She kisses me on my forehead just like my mother used to and I fall into a deep sleep.


"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Pots and pans clang around in the kitchen and I get up to see Norah making pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

She's dancing and singing a little tune then whirls around and sees me.  "I thought I'd make you breakfast for a change. You're not the only one who can whip it up in the kitchen."

When she sets our plates and places them at the kitchen table. She opens up the blinds on the sliding door.  "A little sunshine is needed right about now."

"It was fucking crazy last night." Rubbing my eyes I adjust them to the light coming in from the windows.  "He was right there in front of me. Who knows what he could've done."

"I'm glad nothing happened and that your safe. He's getting bolder. Soon enough we'll see him for who he really is." Biting off a piece of bacon a few crumbs fall on her shirt. "Jacob's been worried about you. He's sad that he's been working too much to come by. You know?"

I stuff a piece of pancake in my mouth and chew.  "Yea I know but he has to support himself and his extreme spending habits. Still hasn't changed since the big move." I laugh being thankful to have them both in my life for such a long time.

"You'll always have us though. No worries." She says clasping my hand with a reassuring smile.

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