*Author's note!*

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Hi guys!

While I'm sure anyone who reads this is capable of figuring it out, I just wanted to put a little key here to show you what my writing style and symbols mean in case it leaves some of you confused!  The story, much like the Naruto anime, does skip around a lot in the timeline as far as flashbacks and things like that go, but I tried to keep it as organized as possible. Thank you all for taking time to read my story and please comment as you see fit! Feedback and thoughts are appreciated!

~~~... Anytime you see a long line like this, it represents a flashback!

BOLD... means the character is putting emphasis on the word/ yelling!

Italics... means the character is thinking this (it is not said allowed.)

Underlined... means you are reading something one of the characters wrote.

(I may add more as the story progresses because I'm not finished writing, but this is it for now! Thanks again for reading!)

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