Work for it

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**Author's note: MORE MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. Hidan being a general creep. Skip if you don't want to read it! :)**


"Well, that's just fuckin' great!" Hidan growled, covering his head as heavy rainfall showered over him and his temporary partner. Although the storm was harsh and thunder rolled nearby, the grey haired man made no effort to hastily get into shelter, unlike the black haired Uchiha girl who skittered inside the cavern once she saw it. "Fuckin rains back home all the god damn time, and now it's fuckin rainin' here." When he finally reached the cavern, he looked over at Sakaria who was wringing out her soaked hair and scowled, "I'm blaming this shit on you, kid. I've been out with Kakuzu damn near a thousand times and it hasn't rained once, but take you along and, sure as shit, it's hurricane season!" Sakaria looked up at him, remaining silent. Truthfully, she wasn't sure what to say. The entire mission had been a disaster from the start, and she hadn't really been able to muster up the courage to say a full sentence to Hidan after hearing all the things he was capable of and how devoted to his sadistic religion he was. "Speak, bitch." He commanded, taking off his robe and running his hand through his soaked silver hair.

"I..." She looked back at the ground, trying to think of what Itachi would say in this situation, but nothing came to mind. That was probably because Itachi wouldn't have said anything. Determined to get out of her brother's shadow, she furrowed her eyebrows and spoke up, "I don't know what you want me to say." She listened as her voice echoed off the cave walls, sounding almost unfamiliar to herself. Hidan raised an eyebrow at this and smirked slightly as she continued without facing him. "Trust me, I don't want to be out here with you anymore than you want to be out here with me."

"Well, well, well," Hidan said sarcastically as he hung his akatsuki robe on his scythe while it leaned against the cavern wall, "Looks like that pretty little mouth works after all. I wonder what else it does." He said cooly. Sakaria rolled her eyes and took off her robe as well, tossing it on the floor as she sat on a nearby boulder in order to remove her sopping wet shoes.

"Nothing for you," She replied hatefully as she shook the water from her sandals. Hidan laughed.

"You got some nerve talkin to me like we're buddies all of a sudden," the grey haired man replied, walking closer and stopping just before her so that he was towering over Sakaria's petite frame. "Where'd all this attitude come from, small fry? I've been nothing but fuckin' nice to you so far... and that's been a real test for me cause I know Lord Jashin would love an Uchiha sacrifice." He placed his index finger on her chin to raise her face to him, but she swatted him away causing him to erupt into laughter again. "Still though, I gotta admit, I like you more this way. Your feisty little ass turns me on." Sakaria grimaced more to the floor than to him and drew her bare feet closer to her on the rock, trying to cover her chest with her knees as much as possible. Hidan was sure to lean in, feeling his own hot breath ricochet off her face as he spoke, "You scared yet, little girl?"

"No," Sakaria said, standing from her seat on the rock, and gathering some stones nearby to form a fire pit. "I'm afraid of plenty of things, Hidan, but you are not one of them." She stuck her nose in the air a little, hoping to fool him with her arrogant front.

"Hm," Hidan snorted, seating himself on the ground in front of the area Sakaria was building the fire, "Funny." He leered up at her as she used her jutsu to ignite the sticks she had found and sat across from him. After studying her closely for a moment, he stretched and leaned back on his hands. "It's been a while since I've spent the night with a girl. You wanna play seven minutes in heaven or some shit?" He grinned sarcastically.

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