Master Suigetsu

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**Author's Note: MATURE CONTENT WARNING. Please skip this part if you aren't interested. Thank you! <3 **

Moments later, Sakaria was still in the shower, wondering how much time must have passed. Her tears had stopped and were replaced by a calming confidence. She decided she must have had that dream... or whatever it was, for a reason, and that Itachi was going to always be with her. Even if he couldn't give her the right answers in that moment, there would come a time that he would help her somehow, and she knew that. She sighed out, washing the tears from her face, then thought back to what dream Itachi had said to her about Suigetsu. "I will always be your big brother... and if that white haired boy you're traveling with hurts you, I will find a way to make his life a living hell." She giggled again at the thought. Just when she decided to step out from the shower, she felt a disturbance in the water behind her, then smirked without looking back to him. "Suigetsu, what are you doing?"

He sighed, annoyed that he'd have to answer such an obvious question. "Normal people don't take showers at three in the morning, fireball," he said, pulling her back into the water by her shoulder and turning her toward him. She watched as the lower half of him solidified, then quickly averted her eyes back to his face, blushing.

"Who ever said I was normal?" Sakaria replied, allowing him to shut the shower door again. "How'd you get in here?" She looked up at the ceiling for some place he could have dropped in from, but Suigetsu stopped her pondering by pinning her against the shower wall. In that instance, Sakaria remembered how vulnerable and exposed she was, but, after feeling his skin press against hers, it suddenly didn't matter.

"Water can't be stopped by things like doors, floors, or walls," he grinned, "If there's even the smallest area to flood, it will always get in." Sakaria felt the heat in her face rise as he spoke.

"Under the door then, huh?" She asked, knowingly, "Did you mess up the carpet in the room, cause if so, we have to pay for that, you know?" Suigetsu stopped her nagging by pulling away slightly, allowing the cold air to seep in between them.

"Shut up," He said, rolling his eyes. "Let's get back on topic here. What are you doing in the shower? You should be sleeping. You know, the whole point of us stopping was to get some rest before we caught up to your brother an-" He was silenced by Sakaria's hand across his mouth as she looked up at him, annoyed.

"Do you want me to answer your question or do you want to lecture me? Pick one or the other." Suigetsu raised an eyebrow as she pulled her hand away.

Who is this girl? He pondered curiously, My little fireball seems awfully full of herself all of a sudden. "Fine. Answer the damn question then."

"I had a... strange dream..." She said, not wanting to call it something that it wasn't. It wasn't a nightmare, or even a bad dream. It just left her feeling contented and somber all in the same breath. When Suigetsu's face didn't change from his earlier confusion, she continued, "It was like Itachi came to see me one last time." Suigetsu, suddenly understanding, felt the same tenderness from earlier rise up in him, and he brushed her soaked hair from her face with his fingers, looking into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sincerely.

"I'm fine," she assured, moving her hand to intertwine her fingers in his, "I think... I needed to talk to him again. Even if it was just a dream." Suigetsu smiled softly, his sharp tooth peaking over his lower lip like always.

"Want me to cheer you up?" He joked, pressing himself against her again, fully prepared to be smacked in return for his playful advance. Instead, Sakaria boldly placed her free hand on his neck and pulled him down to her, kissing him deeply. Not expecting this, Suigetsu didn't kiss her back immediately and pulled away much quicker than Sakaria had anticipated.

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