17. Things Better Left Unsaid

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November twenty-fourth, a date that haunts me every single year. It was Thanksgiving that year, a day where you're supposed to be thankful for all of the wonderful things that make up your life. Ironically, it was the day my mother was killed in a car accident, it was the day she was taken from this world. Now the date and the holiday are something I loathe more than anything.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you today?"

"No, it's okay." I run my hand through her fiery locks as she runs her fingers delicately across my chest. "I'm meeting up with my dad."

"How is daddy dearest these days?"

"I'm not entirely sure but probably in a shit mood today." I nuzzle into the top of her head, breathing her in. "I don't think he's really gotten over my mother's death, not even a little bit. He did sleep with my Aunt Jenn though."

"What?" She props herself up on her elbow looking back at me incredulously. "He slept with your mother's sister?"

"Yeah." What a fucking shit show that'd been. "I think it just made things worse though because he looked miserable afterward."

"Well yeah."

I shrug not really wanting to talk about it anymore. "Anyway, I'm going to meet up with him at my mother's grave." She gives me a sad look but doesn't say anything. "I'll be home later and you can come sneak into my room again."

"Don't you have a fight tonight?" I nod as I swing my legs over the bed. "Can I come?"

I pause for a moment, looking away from her. I don't want to tell her what I know she already knows. It's not a good idea for a handful of reasons. One of those reason being Rhys has no idea about the two of us and another one is Sarah. I'd broken things off with her for good, at least I hoped I had that night of the Halloween bash. She'd given me a good, hard slap to the face so I'm assuming she got the memo. I just know she's going to be there and I'd rather have shit not go down on the anniversary of my mother's death.

"Rae-" I begin but she hops off the bed and begins putting her clothes on.

"I get it. We're non-exclusively exclusive."

I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "I can't do this today, Rae. I can't argue with you."

"I'm not arguing with you about anything. I'm just stating a fact." She slides on her shirt before tying her unruly hair into a bun on top of her head. "Just text me whenever you're done tonight." She walks over to me with a smile, but I can tell the smile is just there for my benefit.

"Rae, come on."

"Have a good day, alright." She pecks me on the cheek. "I'll see you later." She quickly pulls away from me and leaves the room.

I let her go without a word because I'm just not in the mood to deal with whatever is going on between us. It's been a few weeks of being exactly what Rae had said, non-exclusively exclusive. After we'd had sex in the shower, which she'd made me get out and grab a condom for, we'd decided to only sleep with each other. But we'd also agreed not to say anything to anyone because of Rhys.

I was afraid it would ruin our friendship if he knew I'd been sleeping with his sister. So, until Rae and I decided to be anything more than exclusive fuck-buddies then we weren't saying anything. I'd still keep up the pretense of being single and so would she. That's what we'd agreed too. So, her coming to my mother's grave with me or to the fight tonight would borderline on more.

I walk to the bathroom, passing Rae's closed door on the way. I sigh as I stare at it for a moment, thinking about the amount of intercourse we've had in the past two weeks. Almost every single night I snuck into her room or she snuck into mine. We'd spent nearly every night in each other's arms giving and receiving each other's pleasure.

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