44. Expectation Versus Reality

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"Your dad took her in?" Rhys asked incredulously. "Are you kidding?"

"Nope." I take a sip of my beer and lean forward on the bar. "He went to bribe her but that somehow ended up with her living with him."

"That's so fucking awkward." He takes a sip of his own beer. "Your dad is probably one of the least sympathetic people I have ever met. I can't believe he just took her in like that."

"Yeah, tell me about it." I blow out a long breath. "He took her to a fucking doctors appointment and everything."

His eyes widen in shock. "Wow, he must really care about his grandkid. When is she due?"

"September 7th. I'm still not sure it's even mine though." I chug my beer and signal the bartender for another. "She was fucking sucking off her landlord to pay rent. Who knows what she was doing before she got pregnant."

"That's less than a month away. That's fucking crazy." He shakes his head. "I mean, the whole entire situation is just fucking insane. Especially the Sarah part. What a fucking-"

"Manipulative cunt?" He nods. "Yeah, I know. I still don't know how I'm going to handle her. I'm too fucking angry about the entire situation to even think straight."

"How's Rae taking everything?" And although he doesn't state it I know he can't be too thrilled at my current predicament. Oh and the fact that his sister is my girlfriend.

"She's surprisingly supportive." I chug half my beer. "Which makes the situation that much worse."

"What situation?"

"The New York situation."

"What? I thought you said she was supportive?" He gives me a confused look.

"She is."

"So then why the fuck would Rae be moving to New York?"

I let out another long breath, putting my elbows on the bar and my head in my hands responding with, "Because it's the best option for her, Rhys. I know she wants to go to that school but I know she'll also throw it all away to help me raise this kid if it's mine. And I can't let her do that."

"She's not going to want to go." He shakes his head at me in disbelief. "You have to know she's not going to go. You're going to have to basically force her, Seth."

"She'll say she doesn't want to but it's what's best for her." And I fucking hate it.

He gives me an irritated look. "Don't tell me you're just going to break up with her. You're going to break her fucking hea-"

"No," I shake my head, "no, I'm not going to break up with her. I still want to be with her. I just want what's best for her."

"You remember how well that turned out last time, don't you?"

"But this is different. I've already graduated college, she hasn't. Im opening up my own gym. I'm going to be a dad, Rhys." I shrug at him saying, "my future is beginning and I can't steal hers from her. I won't do it."

He nods his head. "You think the two of you can swing the long distance thing?"

"I mean, we can sure as hell give it a try."

"You've got balls. I'll give you that. Liam is going to be barking up her tree the moment she gets there. You do realize that, right?" His comment makes my jaw tick.

"Yes." I finish the rest of my beer in irritation. "I'm more than aware he's going to try and win her back. Especially if she moves there. He'll think it's a sign she wants him back. And fucking forget about it once he hears I'm having a kid with someone else. More ammunition for him to use against me." I let out a long, frustrated sigh.

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