Chapter 5

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Artemis someone is approaching.

Artemis quickly pulls her cloak back over her head after hearing this. She begins opening her mind to see and finds Cassandra and Caspian walking through the trees. She internally rolls her eyes wondering why she gave him permission to come back... Or why she decided to stay rather than high tailing it to a different area. 

You are intrigued by this young man, are you not?

Navene whispers into her inner thoughts nudging her shoulder. He smirks and stands up beside her turning towards the two figures that are arriving. Artemis remains seated looking out onto the ponds water. 

Prince Caspian's excitement to see her again was rolling off of him in waves. He invited Cassandra with him for a stroll just a little bit ago and did not tell her whom they would be meeting. Cassandra was clinging on to his arm still scared after her last encounter outside the walls. Although the moment she sees a familiar blonde boy, she releases her brother's arm and takes off towards Navene. Navene smiles at her and opens his arms where he embraces the young princess with ease. Caspian smiles at them until he notices the wolves all are getting close to his sister. Cassandra turns around just now noticing them and begins to panic. 

"Don't worry princess... This one here is Tesara, she is strong. Just like you." Navene leans down and runs his hand down Tesara's back. Cassandra timidly places her hand out and Tesara leans into her hand making Cassandra relax. She runs her hand through Tesara's thick coat getting a soft purr in appreciation making Cassandra giggle. 

Caspian continues to watch but wonder where Artemis is. He scans the area and sees a cloaked figure sitting near the water. He walks over and sits down beside her. Artemis keeps her eyes on the water but can feel Caspian's eyes trained on her face. Caspian wants to see her beautiful eyes but decides against possibly upsetting her so he looks out into the clear water. 

"It's good to see you again Artemis." 

"You as well, Caspian." Caspian closed his eyes and enjoyed the way his name sounded coming from her.

"Did you have a pleasant evening?" She doesn't comment back just nods her head. Caspian wanted to hear her voice again so he tries once again. "May I ask you a question?"

"Hmmm" Artemis lifts her head and looks towards the young prince. He sees this and looks into the captivating silver eyes now dancing with the light bouncing off the pond. Once again loosing his train of thought. 

"How did you come to save Navene?" Caspian says clearing his voice. " He mentioned yesterday that you rescued him." Artemis looks behind to Navene still playing with the wolves and the princess. She smiles looking at her young friend. Caspian can't help but to look at her beautiful face and melt when she smiles. 

"I stumbled into him many years ago and offered him to come along with me. He did not want to go home due to... He left with me that day and never looked back." Artemis stops herself from saying things she has no right telling. 

"So you became his family?"

"In a way... yes, we became family." Artemis nods her head looking back to the prince whose eyes are still trained on her. Artemis just now realized how close they were. Caspian reaches up and gently cups Artemis's cheek. 

"You are beautiful, Artemis." He says barely above a whisper. Artemis's chest begins to rapidly rise and fall not sure how to feel about this. She decides to stand up which Prince Caspian mirrored. 

"So how did you two get out the gates without any guards?" Artemis says now clearing her throat. 

"Ah, I may have not mentioned any of this to my parents and just had the guards open the gates." Artemis snaps her attention to the prince. How could he be so foolish. She closes her eyes and expands her mind to the kingdom. She can see the soldiers racing through the village to find them and the King demanding anyone with knowledge to come forward. 

"Caspian you fool! Your father is irate. You must return now before he kills the guard that allowed you passage." Artemis begins pulling on the prince's arm. Caspian is confused by her demeanor change until he takes in her words. He stops abruptly making Artemis stop as well. 

"How could you know that?"

"Another time Caspian, I will explain but please save the guard." Caspian hesitates worried once he leaves, so will she. He knows that she is right, that it is not right to let an innocent man perish at the hands of his father. He gives her a nod and begins walking again. 

Navene and Cassandra now see them strolling quickly to them making them both stand up. The wolves now look onto the older duo walking with full strides with questionable features. Cassandra falls into step beside her older brother while Navene stands beside Artemis. All of them walking briskly closer to the kingdom. 

"Wait Caspian." Cassandra says tugging on her brother's arm. He stops and looks to her. She just turns and walks over to Artemis embracing her in a hug. Artemis stands in shock by the young princess' actions. "Thank you for everything Artemis." 

She doesn't say anything but gives a firm head nod. Cassandra then moves on to hug Navene which looks like two best friends embracing each other. Caspian takes the opportunity to stand in front of Artemis. Artemis lets her head tilt up looking at the prince directly. Caspian gently grabs both of her hands holding them firmly. 

"Promise me Artemis that I will see you again. Do not run away." 

Artemis smiles gently at the prince and nods her head. Her body swimming with an unknown emotion that warms her core. Her stomach continues doing flips. Caspian feeling the same way but his is with the knowledge that he is falling for Artemis. He feels deeply for the mystery she is. Caspian leans down kissing Artemis's cheek lightly. Artemis was surprised yet again and didn't know how to react never being kissed before. She gently touches her cheek. Caspian sees this and smirks. 

Navene and Cassandra watch the interaction but don't dare interrupt. Cassandra in awe of her brother being so forward with his feelings. Navene shocked that Artemis is choosing to allow someone close. He is indeed happy of this however weary of what this may bring upon them. He is a prince and will have to wed a princess which Artemis is not. 

"Caspian you must go, hurry!" Artemis whispers to him. Caspian nods his head and takes his little sister's hand. They turn around and begin walking briskly to the gates. Caspian looks back but sees his beauty has already taken off. He gets to the gates that open quickly recognizing his approach. The King sees this and stomps down to the entrance. 

"Both of you, follow me NOW!" The King states firmly turning around walking back into the castle. The prince and princess treading behind him knowing they are in trouble. 

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