Chapter 37

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King Vispan was prepared for this. He turns away from King Casden. His eyes zeroing in on Artemis. Her chest begins feeling heated with the strong amount of anger not only from the dark king but from Caspian as well. She attempts to take deep breaths to stop the feeling. Her hand rubbing her chest.

Caspian, my love, do not let your rage control you...

Artemis words rendering him powerless. His rage simmering down slightly while his eyes continue being trained on the enemy before him. The crazed king begins holding his arms out like a grand welcome however the motions gives the feeling of anything other than welcome. 

"So Lady Artemis..." 

Artemis snaps her eyes to the sinister grinning king. A ruckus outside the doors makes everyone turn to them. The doors bursting open with guard after guard following through. However the crescent on the iron clad not one of this kingdom. They come in file as the great hall grows loud in distress. Artemis eyes still trained on the crazed man that believes he is fully in charge. 

Her chest burning and she knows the rage is hitting a tipping point. She looks to the scared guest and sees the fear rolling off in waves. She looks to her companion, Navene. He is slowly getting Cassandra out of the room. King Casden standing in front of Queen Analee. Goliath coiled around her legs snarling. 

"Lady Artemis, you have a decision to make.." 

He gestures his hand towards the King and Queen. A few of the guards are quick to draw their swords on them. Goliath's growl ripping through the air. His eyes calculated on the enemies before him. Artemis grips onto Caspian's hand trying to control her feelings. 

"You can come willing or..." He looks to the royal couple before turning back to her. "you can be the murderer I know you to be." 

She takes a deep breath releasing slowly before stepping forward. Caspian is quick to grab her arm refusing to release her. Artemis turns to him giving him a look pleading him. He is flabbergasted by her want to be a martyr. 

Caspian... Trust me

He releases her reluctantly but Vatalanie is not so quick to allow her to pass. She turns barking at Artemis. Artemis kneels down in her ball dress placing her forehead to the wolf. Vatalanie snorts but doesn't move away. 

Vatalanie, please stay with Caspian. I will return.

Vatalanie opens her eyes with a low growl not daring to go against her but disliking the situation. Artemis stands back up with her head held high. She graciously walks past the she wolf right as Caspian begins to lunge for her. Vatalanie stopping his advance while Caspian looks confused to the wolf. 

"Ah... Good choice." 

She steps right to him and he holds out his hand. She hesitantly takes his hand shivering at the contact. His hand ice cold and unforgiving while his slimy fingers wrap tightly around hers yanking her chest to chest with him. His eyes locking into her silver pools. She takes a deep breath in and out of her nose trying to control the heat overcoming her. 

"Release all of the guest." 

Vispan inhales sharply hearing her voice. A siren to hypnotize any man. Velvet smooth and easy on the ears. He leans down dangerously close to her face causing Caspian to step forward only to be stopped again by Vatalanie. 

Do not fight my love... I have a plan

Caspian growls and fist his hands attempting to not plow through the she wolf. His father and mother looking upon Artemis with worry. Artemis silently telling the wolves to protect the crowd and royals. 

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