Chapter 41

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Artemis stood at the stream in the forest taking long deep breaths. Her mind racing with endless thoughts of what all today meant. Today she is to wed her prince, today she is made to be Princess Artemis of Tesalee. She is not fearful of the first however petrified of the second. She has been told countless times that she is loved by all but what if they turn on her? What if the people do not wish to have someone without title become their future queen. 

"This is a serene spot." 

She whips her head around to see King Casden strolling to her side. Her breathing showing how panic she is. She left the castle not wanting to alarm Caspian, Navene, or the wolves of her racing mind. That is how she ended up here. The stream where Caspian first saw her... truly see her. 

King Casden could see the terrified look in Artemis' eyes. He had been there before. Not for the same reason of course but still. He looks around attempting to locate anyone with her before realizing she came alone. 

"My dear, you should have brought at least one guard with you." 

"My apologies your majesty-"

"Dad... no more your majesty" 

She nods her head feeling a lump in her throat her gaze traveling back to the stream. The sun barely rising allowing the sunrise to glisten on the water. Her silver dress illuminating the forest. The king dressed in his red attire with the crown upon his head. 

"You do realize Caspian will panic when he wakes with you not by his side." 

Artemis shakes her head negatively still looking at the water. 

"We did not sleep together last evening... Traditions according to Cassandra." 

At this the king throws his head back laughing picturing his stern little princess waggling her finger at the couple. It takes a few minutes for him to control his laughter. 

"Well then my dear, what brings you out this early?" 

She can hear the sincerity in his voice but struggles to express her concerns... Especially to him. King Casden waits as the young beauty finds her footing. 

"I am fearful your ma-dad." 

Casden smirks at her correction of his name. 

"Of what my daughter?" Artemis' insides warm at his acceptance of her. She picks at her fingernails looking to her feet. "Do you not wish to wed Caspian?"

"NO!" She is quick to answer snapping her eyes to him and answering strongly. The king just chuckles in return at her. "It-It's not that. My heart is one with your son's... My fear stems from the acceptance of the people." 


"How are they to accept a woman as their future queen with no title. I do not bring anything new to the kingdom with my alliance." 

King Casden smiles down in adoration and slight bafflement at the young maiden. She has absolutely no idea of her self value. He takes her hand into his own making her focus on him. 

"My dear, you are so much more than any title could bring. The queen and I never wanted our children's lives to be dictated by the notion of forced marriages... We were lucky it worked perfectly for us since we fell madly in love but we have seen rulers who don't have a harmonious balance to support on. Those kingdoms crumble over time. That is why you are perfect... Not due to your abilities or your skills with weapons... But due to the immeasurable love you carry for Caspian as he does for you. " 

Artemis smiles gently gripping the king's hand in her own. She finds her mind to relax at his statement. 

"Thank you... Dad." 

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