Chapter 6

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"Artemis, I do not wish to leave yet." Navene states firmly. 

Artemis sighs standing up. It has been 3 days since they have had their encounter with the prince and princess. She waited for him hoping he would show up. She knew it was wishful thinking that the prince had taken interest in her. The disappointment leading her to believe it was time for them to move on. She told Navene earlier this morning and it was now becoming night fall. 

The wolves were looking back and forth between Navene and Artemis. Navene was determined to wait a few more days to see if they showed back up. Artemis didn't see reason in the risk of staying in the same location too long. They realized after one incident that the longer they stayed in the same area, the more animals became attracted to Artemis pursuing her help. They continue to move to help and attempt to not gather too much attention. 

Artemis, I agree we should at least wait til morning. It won't be as safe with lurkers in the night. 

Artemis looks around noticing the dark sky rapidly falling. She deeply exhales and meets her eyes with Tesara who gives her a gentle nod. Artemis doesn't want her mind to fixate on the prince but she can't risk Navene's safety just for her mind to finally relax. She turns back towards Navene. 

"We will wait til morning, but come tomorrow. We need to leave." 

Navene gives a grin and nods. He runs to Artemis and wraps his arms around her torso. Artemis gently pats his head still unaccustomed to being touched. Navene and Tesara race over to the pond. Artemis decides to remove her cloak and sets it aside allowing her braid out. She closes her eyes and leans her head to the sky as she begins humming. 

Artemis, someone is near.

Her wolves stand up guarding Artemis. Artemis stands up forgetting she is not cloaked. Her silver hair wavy down her back. Her gray dress hugging tightly to her form with only one shoulder allowing her beautiful ink to be on full display. She looks around and the air escapes her lunges. 

"Goddess, Artemis."

Standing there in his royal dressing of red is the prince who has been leading her every thought. He didn't dare move but continue to stare at her. She was becoming unnerved. No one other than Navene has ever seen all her features. She couldn't move herself, frozen to her spot. Terrified of how he would react to her features. 

Prince Caspian has been distraught since getting back. His father, the King, forbidden him to leave the castle grounds again after the incident of not only putting himself in harms way but also his sister. He has been trying for days wanting nothing more than to escape, to see Artemis. Fear consumed him thinking she would be gone before he could get back to her. His mother saw his anguish and knew he has met someone. Although she was not happy with the idea that the future king would be dating a commoner, she couldn't let her son be unhappy. Tonight was her banquet and she took the opportunity to have a guard help get him outside if only for a little while.  He ran the moment the guards open the gates directly to where he knew his heart resided. 

He however was not prepared for the sight that beholds him. She truly looked to be a goddess. He couldn't believe all her features. Her hair matching her eyes perfectly cascading down to her hip. The dress she had on looked as if designed to fit only her. Running from her shoulder down to her wrist was an inking he has never seen before however it made her look unworldly. His heart was beating rapidly fearing it my stop at any moment. He glanced near her and saw all the wolves looking directly at him. He gave a gentle bow hoping they understood. He looked back up noticing the wolves have stepped away. 

He timidly took a step forward watching Artemis intently. He could see the fear in her eyes. He was confused why she would fear him. He chose to continue walking slowly towards her. Her eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and his movements. 

"Do you fear me Artemis?"

"Are you not repulsed?" Her question to Caspian took him by surprise stopping him from moving forward. 

"What?" His eyes widen realizing where her fear stemmed from. Her features she has so closely guarded from him. How could she possibly think she would be repulsive?? He has never seen a beauty like hers. He shakes his head and walks towards her steadily now. 

Artemis continues to breathe rapidly while Caspian strides to her with utter determination. She couldn't move even if she tried. Navene is still in the pond watching the interaction occur with a wide grin. He decides to stay silent and just watch. Caspian grasps both of Artemis's hands that are slightly trembling. He locks his eyes with hers and stands so close that there chests are barely a breath apart. 

"Artemis, I have never met anyone who is as beautiful as you." He twist his fingers around her hair pulling it forward into her vision. "This just makes you more breathtaking to me." He places his fingers on her ink tracing it. "And this, makes you look like a warrior." 

"You do not find me terrifying?"

"Absolutely not. You are a mystery. One that I do hope you give me the chance to unravel." 

Artemis can't help the tear that escapes her eye. Caspian takes his hand cupping her cheek and gently brushing away the fallen tear. She gives him a gentle smile making Caspian's heart melt. He knew the moment she saved him that he was a goner. He knew his heart belong to her but didn't know how she would handle that much forwardness. She closes her eyes leaning into his palm that is on her cheek. Caspian leans forward placing his forehead to hers. Artemis decides to be brave and places her palm on his cheek. Caspian sighs feeling her soft palm on his cheek gently rubbing her thumb across his skin.

"Artemis, I was so worried you would be gone." Caspian whispers still with closed eyes. 

Artemis gentle chuckles. "You have Navene to thank for that." 

Caspian opens his eyes and pulls his forehead slightly back looking at his beauty. He felt like the luckiest person in the world right now. He chuckles at her statement then begins looking around. He then looks over to the side of the pond where he sees Navene drying off. He looks back down to Artemis taking her hand gently in his as he pulls her to a nearby fallen tree to sit upon. 

"You were going to run away?" He raises an eyebrow to her. 

"No, but I can't stay in the same place too long." 


"The longer I stay, the more attraction from animals I receive. I don't have the capability to heal them all. If I exude too much energy, it will severely weaken me." Artemis says while begin to braid her hair. 

Caspian takes in her words not sure if he has the right to ask but can't stop himself. "Artemis, do you have the ability to speak to animals?"

Artemis looks towards the prince giving a slight nod. She can see the shock clear as days in his eyes. She is scared she may run him off. Caspian sits silently recollecting all the situations he has seen so far then another questions springs to mind. "Can you also speak to Navene through your mind?"

Artemis sighs dropping her head playing with her hands. "Yes, I have the ability to choose who I share my connection with. He can speak to me back and forth but he can't hear the animals thoughts." 

Caspian goes wide eyed. Is she a witch? He highly doubts they are real however he has never heard of someone with her unique abilities. He fears her capabilities... more importantly who could take her if they knew of this. He would not let any harm come to her. That he was sure of. 

"Caspian, I understand if you wish to leave, I don't want-" 

He quickly pulls her hands into his own turning her towards him. He tilts her chin to make their eyes lock. His expression firm. His words final and holding such meaning. 

"Artemis, I am not going anywhere." 

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